Page 50 of Coming Home

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James caught her before she hit the ground.

Chapter Thirteen

Opening her eyes in confusion, Rowan realized she was laying on the couch in her office. Glancing at her arm, she frowned at the IV there.

James lowered to the coffee table and rested his elbows on his knees. “Listen to me, Rowan. Ipromisedthe man I wish could have been my father that I’d keep you safe. I plan to make sure Ikeepthat promise as long as I’m alive.” He pointed at her stomach. “We won’t know for a couple of weeks but you and I are going to assume you’re carrying Bennett’s child. If that’s not the case, you soon will be because I know how much you want to keep him with you.”

His expression hardened. “Allowing yourself to get dangerously dehydrated isn’t good for you or a baby you might already be carrying. From now on, you’re going to take care of your physical self no matter how bad your heart hurts. Are we on the same page here?”

She nodded slowly.

“Good. You’ve been out for about forty minutes. The bag is almost empty. When it is, you’re going to eat something. I don’t care what it is as long as you eat.”

“Just curious...were you ever like this with Bennett?”

James snorted. “When he first found out about his heart, he threatened to fire me nine times in less than two months. You know that vase in his office with the cracks in it?” She tugged her lip between her teeth. “It was shattered when he threw it at me. Took me two weeks to put the fucking thing back together. I set it on his desk and told him to try harder next time. His rage was rare but awesome to behold.”

“I never saw it…”

“You calmed him, Rowan. Showed him that his life wasn’t over and gave him love he’d never felt before. He was never a morning person before he met you. When you moved in, he couldn’t wait to wake up every day.”

Tears slipped into her hair. “Thank you for telling me that.”

“We’re going to make it through this - me, you, and Mary-Margaret. We’re going to get through to the other side. Don’t make me fight you on the basics like eating and drinking. It splits my focus and I’m a wreck as it is.”

“I’ll do better. You have my word, James.” She pressed her palm to her stomach. “I keep forgetting I might be pregnant. The reasonwhyovershadows everything else. Do you really think I am?”

The bodyguard huffed. “It’s the least the goddamn universe can do to balance the scales of this shit show.”

“You are so right.” Sighing, she moved to sit up and he took her hand to help. “Have them remove this thing. I need to talk to people. I won’t embarrass Bennett.”

“You could never. I’ll be right back.”

Movement behind her made Rowan turn her head. Mary-Margaret stood with Miss Jeffries, Gage, and Nina.

The assistant joined her on the couch and took her hand. “I explained you needed to rest a moment. Everyone understands so stay here as long as you need to.”

“Did the kitchen make those little cheese puffs?”

Mary-Margaret grinned. “Of course. They know how much you love them. Shall I make you a plate?”

“Yes, thank you. I’m going to get back on my feet. I won’t need everyone taking care of me forever.”

Slender fingers smoothed Rowan’s hair. “I rather like taking care of you, Rowan. I never had children and couldn’t stand the ones those women passed off as Bennett’s. They were hateful even when they were little. I’ve adored you from the start. Take the time you need. Get strong again. I’m happy to help.” Patting Rowan’s hand, she left the room.

Without looking at them, Rowan said, “Come sit. All of this is strange, awkward.”

Gage and Nina chose chairs on opposite sides of the couch from each other.

Miss Jeffries chuckled as she lowered to the couch beside Rowan. “We’ve known you since you were a girl. Shared good times and bad with you. Lost you for a while. All to get to this place. Full circle, Rowan.”

Staring into the older woman’s eyes, she said, “Gage told me about the renovations.”

“Bennett was a good man. I tried to talk him out of fixin’ up the house since I’ve taken fewer and fewer girls these last years. I’m gettin’ too old now. He wouldn’t hear it. Fixed the foundation, replaced the wirin’ and plumbin’, all new floors, paint, and windows. The room you and Nina shared don’t leak now. Maybe you’ll see the place soon.”

“I-I’d like that.”

“Your house is real pretty, Rowan. I sit on the porch sometimes and stare at it across the road. I lost the man I woulda married when he went off to Vietnam and never came back. I figured the Lord had another plan for me.”
