Page 35 of Run to You

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The driver opened the door and another man extended his hand. “Miss Adams. Allow me to escort you inside.”

When she was standing beside him on the sidewalk, she frowned. “You look familiar.”

“Owen Douglas. I do business with Bennett. When he let slip that you were joining them for dinner, I rudely invited myself. I’m a fan of your work.” His eyes flicked down and back to her face. “You are even more beautiful in person.”

He was attractive, clearly wealthy, and had the approval of Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson. Rowan was playing matchmaker.

Nina’s stomach pitched violently and she covered it with a smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Douglas.”

“Owen, please.” With a slight bow, he led her inside.

Rowan stood and came around the table as she entered the private room. “Always sogorgeous, Nina!” She hugged her tighter than Nina expected, started to release her, and hugged her again. “I see you’ve met Owen. He and Bennett are old friends. One casual mention of your upcoming play and he talked our ears off about you. We insisted he join us.”

“Yes. Of course.” Rowan’s husband appeared beside her and she said, “Hello, Bennett.”

“Nina. You look lovely. So glad you could meet us on such short notice. I hope we didn’t disrupt your plans for the evening?”

“No. I didn’t have plans.”

Bennett extended his hand and Nina took it. “You’re too young to spend evenings in.”

“We’re in rehearsals. It’s...been a demanding part. I don’t have much energy at the end of the day.”

He gave her a subtle squeeze and released her hand. “I’m glad Rowan has the opportunity to see you again. Between the company and me, I keep her running around the clock. She’s been hopeful since you left so suddenly last summer.”

“I apologize. One of the cast was injured. We needed to rework several scenes days before opening.”

Vibrant green eyes held hers and Nina knew he had more information. “Join Rowan for a pamper day tomorrow afternoon. She doesn’t take nearly enough of them and if your rehearsals are taking so much from you, a massage will be just the thing. Say you will.”

“I…” Nina hesitated but Rowan gave her an excited nod. “Alright.” Her friend clapped her hands silently.

“Sit beside me because they’ll talk business and I’ve had ten hours of that today.” Rowan looped her hand through Nina’s arm and led her around the table.

James pulled out Rowan’s chair.

Owen pulled out Nina’s.

As he stepped back, she could feel when James’ eyes landed on her but she wouldn’t look at him. She couldn’t.

Rowan asked softly, “Are they making youstarveyourself for this part? You’re already so slender, Nina.”

“No, I-I didn’t feel well last week and dropped a few pounds.” She shrugged. “I’ll go for dense calories tonight.”

“They have the mostincrediblecheesecake…”

So began three hours of playing the role of a person who was calm, together, and normal. Owen flirted with her and she made an effort to flirt back.

It was who she was.

Who she’d always been.

Close to midnight, the strain of her performance, her inability to eat, and the chill she couldn’t shake made her stand.

Beside her, Owen stood as well.

“I’m going to head home, Rowan. Let me know when you want to meet tomorrow.”

Her friend stood. “I’ll pick you up.” Tilting her head, Rowan asked, “Nina...are you alright?”
