Page 25 of Sinfully Loved

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"Every now and then, I think. Why?"

"Because I woke up suddenly last night and then heard gunshots."

"You should have gone back to sleep."

I snorted. "Sure. I wake up in the middle of the night and go back to sleep even though I have a terrible feeling. The last time I woke up like that, my dad was standing in my bedroom and burned down my house!"

"Nobody's going to show up here and torch anything," he grumbled.

"How do you know that?"

"Because I wouldn't let it happen, simple as that."

And I was supposed to believe him just like that? He wouldn't let it happen? But was he okay with anyone hunting near his property in the middle of the night? What if they accidentally shot the three predators sitting outside in their enclosures?

Vincenzo pushed the fruit bowl toward me, an invitation to have some breakfast. However, I continued to look at him appraisingly.

Did he really not care?

"I don't understand how you can stay so calm. I would be worried."

"That is completely unfounded. Some would-be hunter was probably just too stupid to kill the animal he was hunting with a single shot."

I stared at him without saying anything back. Vincenzo seemed calm and composed as if he didn't want to discuss the topic. But there was no reason for that. Was he not supposed to take my worries seriously after I had confided in him all of my father's secrets?

"I'm going to Naples today to see my brother. If you want, you can come," he continued, changing the subject.

"Thanks, I'll pass," I muttered, reaching for a banana.

Somehow I wasn't in the mood to see the rest of his family and pretend everything was fine when behind closed doors, they were probably talking about how to get rid of my father.

"Good, then I will send Fiero to you for company."

I raised an eyebrow. He didn't keep me company around the clock. So why did I need his cousin? As a chaperone?

With a sugary smile, I looked at Vincenzo. "Sounds great. Maybe he'll actually talk to me. A real conversation would be nice for a change."

"Don't get your hopes up. He's not a big fan of talking either."

I gave a hiss, concentrated on my banana and coffee, and ignored him. After a few seconds of silence, Vincenzo disappeared from the kitchen, leaving me alone.

I couldn't shake the feeling that he was hiding something. But what? This man was a complete mystery. Was it about his wife? About the property? About his business with the mafia? About his family?

There were so many possibilities, and in none of them had he granted me more than a superficial impression.

Even if I accompanied him to Naples now, I would spend the day at most with Carlotta and hardly see anything of the others. It was better for me to stay here and get behind my computer or to pester Fiero with questions. Even though he would certainly not answer them on Vincenzo's instructions.

In a bit of a bad mood, I went upstairs to change briefly before swimming a few laps in the pool. This not only cleared my head but also kept me fit. The next time my father faced me and ordered his men to take me, I would put up more of a fight. That much was certain.

Fortunately, the pleasantly cool water had another beneficial effect: I forgot my worries concerning this place and my husband for a while.

* * *

"Are you planning to get sunburnt?" A male voice successfully snapped me out of my stupor.

I pushed up my sunglasses and spotted Fiero leaning against the house with his arms folded, watching me.

"Of course not. I own sunscreen, you know," I replied. "So Vince has gone to Naples now?"
