Page 19 of Room Two

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He climbs the stairs, leans in and I sigh softly when his warm lips press against my cheek. “Glad you could make it. We didn’t know if you would bail or see this through.”

He pops the door open and the smell of fresh garlic bread hooks my senses.

He turns a wolfish grin on me. “Ready to see what the night holds?”

Now I don’t know what I want to eat more—him or the bread. I could try both.

I slam my eyes shut and wonder if my raging heart is going to let my mouth and brain work tonight. They have all the experience in the world and here I am a virgin. There were so many better-suited women for this.

Aziel reaches for me and I am pulled inside to find Gage and Rush in a large kitchen in the far-left corner of the house. Between us are yards of polished hardwood and not much else. Apparently, they like wide-open spaces as much as I do.

I catch their gazes when they look up and the power of their attention is almost strong enough to knock me back a couple of steps. Luckily, Aziel is behind me closing the door or I might have bolted from the intensity. Back at Club Sin, it had been strong, but here, in their private home, there’s no buffer between me, my desires, and their aura of power. It is palpable, thick, and covers me the second Aziel closes the door behind us.

My heart races. The way their hair is tousled and damp says they are freshly showered. Navy blue cotton drapes over all those bulging muscles the good Lord gave them and Uncle Sam polished. I would wager, the lower half of their bodies are clad in jeans behind that high kitchen counter.

“Fuck,”I mumble and suddenly gasp when Aziel ditches the firewood for me. He sweeps me into his arms and I go willingly.

“I think I’ll keep you for myself,” he murmurs close to my ear, sending a wash of anticipation through me.

“I’d tie your gorgeous body to my bed and make these two over there suffer watching me have you all to myself.”

I brush back the mussed blond hair from his forehead. “I might let you, too. You’ve got the wild, mountain man vibe going on. I like it. What would you tie me up with?”

My bravado is born from facing off with my brother and all the rough types from Club Genesis. But the predatory hunger I see glinting deep in Aziel’s dark blues tells me I am way out of my depth with these three. Nothing I’ve done to date and none of the men I’ve run into have prepared me for Aziel, Rush, or Gage.

Aziel’s hands tighten on me, making me gasp. His head lowers to mine, making me do the same. “Rope. What else?” he murmurs and pulls my smaller frame into his larger one. His hair is a few shades darker than my own. Not pure blond, but not brown either. I run my hands through the thickness and love how his eyelids dip because of my touch.

Twilight chases the fading day until nothing but moonlight can pour in through the skylights and large bay windows facing the lake. Glittery white light teases over Aziel’s rippling muscles giving him an otherworldly hue.

I can’t resist anymore. I don’t need to, I remind myself. I let my hands roam over the expanse of perfect male pressed against my front. Hot, hard, and perfect. Dips, ridges, and plains—I glide the flat of my palms over them all.

“You look good enough to eat,” Aziel purrs in my ear. Behind me, the other two shuffle around the countertop and it’s not long before heavy footfalls come our way.

“You don’t get a monopoly on her time, asshole. Where the fuck are you manners?”

Aziel flashes me a devilish grin.

I’m plucked out of his arms and before I can miss the heat of his embrace, I’m in Rush’s. No one has an ounce of respect for personal space and I can’t find it in me to care. I could use a little more skin on skin.

His green eyes drink in my bodice, skirt, and honey-brown hair in one go. “I like this version of you. Always wear your hair down like this. It makes my dick hard as fuck.” His fingers slip into the loose, hanging locks. Long enough to nearly brush my waist, he gathers every inch around his fist and tips my head back until my mouth is angled for him to ravish.

He doesn’t leave me wanting for long. Hard lips crash into mine. I groan into his mouth and savor the sweet taste of tangy sauce on his tongue. From nipples to knees I’m pressed against his tall, hard frame. Each inhale causes friction against my hard tips, sending shudders of anticipation fanning through me.

Such sweet, sweet, torturous anticipation.

He pulls back to where his lips brush against mine when he speaks. “You’ll be beautiful up on that stage taking our cocks. You’re a natural.” The light from overhead domes highlight the heat fusing with my cheeks. He notices and smiles. “Like I said, a natural, baby girl.”

I rest my palms over his chest.


Hoping to God I don’t hate the answer I have to ask, “Natural as in slutty porn star material or natural as in I’m a sensual person?”

Lips find my neck and teeth follow right after. Rush bites into the tender flesh beneath the pulse point and I cry out, jerking in his hold. I tighten the cloth of his T-shirt in my fist.

“Mm,” he growls against my neck. “So responsive.” Using my hair to keep me prisoner, he runs the other hand down my back and then down farther to grip my ass through the thin fabric of my skirt. The low fire Aziel started inside me back on the porch cranks up a notch to leave me simmering with lust.

“As inyouwere made forus.”
