Page 21 of Room Two

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Rush pulls the dark green bodice from around my torso and tosses it on the large dining room table, leaving my top half clad in only a very transparent white, silk blouse.

Aziel slides his mouth over the curve of my jaw. He pulls back the soft collar of my blouse in order to tease his seeking lips over my exposed collarbone. Rush comes in from the other side to repeat the sweet torture. They work together to pull me closer to the edge of another toe-curling orgasm.

“God, you even taste like perfection,” Rush mouths tenderly over my skin, making me flush hot. His voice is thick and full of lust.

I bury my hands in their hair and hold them to me. “I had no idea foreplay could be so arousing.”

“Let us teach you more.”

From behind me, strong fingers bury into my long hair and I’m pulled back into a hard chest. From my ass to my shoulder blades, I’m flush against a well-built man with hunger in his eyes. I caress the hard line of his jaw, the sharp angles of his brows and the lines of worry etched into the soft skin at the corners of his eyes.

Gage is nothing if not a full-blooded alpha.

My lips part and he takes that as an invitation to steal what he wants like a raiding Viking.

His tongue sweeps over mine, gentle at first, and then the facade of easy and tender dissolves to reveal a demanding man beneath.

His hold on my hair tightens and I’m suddenly pinned in place. No escape. No safe word. No one to save me.

And I love it.

I gasp into his mouth and kiss him back just as eagerly. Pain and pleasure wash through me. I moan, whimper and I can’t stop the thundering of my heart. It starts in my knees. My weight becomes too much and then the full-on tremble doesn’t stop until all of me is shaking and short of breath. Not because of the burn on my scalp, the threat of the massive cock pressed into my ass or that I am scared.

No, the feel of molten heat encasing first one nipple and then the other over the silk of my blouse is what has me ready to beg for everything they want to give me.

Gage encases my throat with his other hand and his fingers tighten one by one. My eyes fly open to find him staring down at me. He likes taking control. And that deep, dark part of me I’ve never acknowledged likes giving it.

Pulses of heat flood my system and it’s like all three have tapped into exactly what my body craves. Their controlling forces, fierce possession, and demanding mouths all make hot liquid spill to wet between my thighs. My pussy clenches with need to have themthere. Filling me up, fulfilling all the forbidden desires I’ve had for years with no source of outlet to grant them.

Not a word is spoken between us. No, “tell us to stop, and we will” or “We will be gentle”. These men know what they want. On the flip side, so do I.

I break the kiss but Gage has other ideas. His eyes burn into me. The cock digging into my ass grows stiffer. He releases my hair to reach around and wrap those same fingers over the tender flesh of my breast. I arch into his branding touch and moan with exquisite delight.

“Fuck, Gage!” I groan and his hold turns punishing, making me only want more. I might be bruised in the morning but I’ll take his marks.

Holding my neck so that I can’t move, he tightens his hold and retakes my mouth. He strokes the pad of his tongue over the plumpness of my bottom lip and I do as he silently commands and open for him.

My internal safety meter is pinging off the charts. Not from them. I was raised to notice danger and neither Gage, Rush, or Aziel pose a threat to me.

But myself? I’m in danger of combusting if they don’t do something about my throbbing clit.

I groan with a fresh wave of frustration. I can’t think with how the juices slip to wet my thighs. I sway and rock my hips to feel more of Gage’s cock against my rear.

The room becomes a blur and my fingers grip them for purchase.

I close my eyes against the torment of needing them so badly. “Get me undressed.”



Fear, excitement, and hot lusting pulses all merge inside me.

Unaware of my inner war, Gage chuckles a low rumble of amusement next to my ear. His grip is tight enough on my throat I can feel my pulse throbbing.

“You heard the lady. Some other time I might have you beg us, but right now I just want to see you taking our cocks.”

Gage releases me and suddenly I can breathe fully again. I inhale and fill my lungs with cool, conditioned air once. Twice, but that’s all I get.
