Page 81 of Tangled Up in Texas

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“I won’t lie. It’s part of the reason, but you have to agree I need help.”

My mouth quirked in a half smile, but I chose not to answer.

He scoffed and shook his head, his smile making its way to my core. “I want to spend more time with James. I need to find my place in my business where I can do that. I’m sure you’ll move on to greater things one day, and maybe I can even help you with that, but Christie...” He kneeled to a knee, and I gawked at the gesture. It was the funniest yet cheesiest thing he could do, but it made me blush all the same. “Will you be my business adviser... counselor—whatever job title that is?”

It wasn’t the most elaborate of job offers, but as far as I was concerned, it was the most heartwarming and promising one I’d ever had. “I’m expensive.”

He didn’t hesitate, but he rose, and with a feigned exasperated breath, he said, “I’ll pay it.”




The air seemed so much fresher on this side of the park. It was farther from the highway, but that didn’t seem to be it. I had the perfect life, the perfect career, and the most incredible woman by my side. I couldn’t have made it without her, and after the year we’d had, I’d never be able to let her go.

Christie waited patiently, watching me carefully as I prepared the patties. She’d made my house a home when we moved in, though she still refused to call it ours. She didn’t “live” there, she liked to clarify, but she was one closet full of clothes away from having an empty apartment. Still, I’d let her think whatever she wanted as long as it changed tonight.

Christie’s mom was probably at the house by now, likely cleaning up the mess I made putting the meat together. That would be the first thing Christie noticed, but everything was all planned out.

It was all I could think about, even though the reason for my existence was just a few feet away. James was calling this his best birthday ever already, and it hadn’t even started.

“Hey, buddy, think you can carry the tray?”

“Yup.” He skipped to the picnic table where Darlene and Christie were laying out the food. Hamburger toppings, vegetables, and all the condiments anyone could want. If I knew Christie, she’d take a little of everything until her burger was a dripping mess of disgusting.

James tried to balance the pan with raw meat piled higher than his nose. I reached over and grabbed it before he tilted it too much.

“Thank you!”

James beamed and said, “You’re welcome!” before racing back to Darlene. He watched her attentively as she stuck candles in his cake one by one.

“Miss Christie, do you like chocolate cake?” James asked.

I couldn’t help looking. Christie tapped her chin and hummed as if thinking hard about her answer. “I like... all the cakes.”

James giggled. “You can’t haveallof them.”

“Well, what can I have then?”

James mimicked her humming, and when he tapped his chin, Christie smiled big. “You can have some of mine.” He sucked in his lower lip, and Christie swept him in a sudden hug.

“Thank you so much! I can’t wait.” When she released him, he was nodding.

Darlene watched the exchange, her smile warm and her face soft. She’d changed a lot in the past year, but so had I. It surprised me how far we’d come. Over the past year, Christie had helped me so much that it was amazing to see what she could do. I basically gave her a long list of tasks, but she handled them all as if she’d been in the industry longer than I had.

She’d even helped Darlene, who had to rent out a building barely six months after starting her daycare business. It was amazing watching our family grow, not just in size and security, but in love and joy.

“Hey, babe, you leaving?”

I looked up as Duke and Darlene released their outstretched hands.

“Don’t eat cake without me,” he said, throwing her a wink before he ran toward the parking lot.

Darlene and Christie sat at the table to talk. I returned to the grill and slapped on the first patty, relishing the sound of fresh meat on a flame.

Another wave of nerves surged through me, and I tried to control my breathing. I had to admit that I wasn’t sure how it all would go. I’d called Christie’s mom and told her my plans. She gave me her blessing without hesitating, but when she said she wanted to be there, I was wary of how that would go. Christie loved her mom, but I’d learned how overwhelming Mrs. Hannam could sometimes be. When she butted in, she butted in hard. I thought it was funny, but it drove Christie nuts.
