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Bridget didn’t answer as the minister moved her hands upward and asked everyone to stand. They shifted around, waiting for the next thing to happen. Music began softly, only a guitar and two male voices, weaving together in a tight harmony. Jerica looked to see where they were, trying to figure it out, and finally found them just off to the side in the back of the aisles.

Sarah came down first, the stark ivory suit she wore absolutely stunning on her. She’d barely touched her hair, just making sure it stayed out of her face as she and the two men with the guitars walked down the aisle with her. Jerica kept her hand in Bridget’s, but she assumed they were the two men who were in the band with Sarah, although she didn’t understand why Sarah’s sister wasn’t up there with them.

The tune stayed the same and they continued to play as Eli came down next. Bridget gave a shuddering gasp as soon as she was in full view. The dress she wore was very simple. It cut around her knees, dropping below in strips of fabric that swayed with her movement and the slight breeze outside. The top had short lace sleeves to cover her shoulders and a beautiful wide V-neckline.

“She’s beautiful,” Jerica murmured.

“I never thought she would wear a dress for this,” Bridget answered as quietly as possible. “Never.”

“People change, Bridge. Isn’t that the point of growing up?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

Two women followed Eli in, their dresses not matching in the least, but they still looked beautiful. “Eli’s sister, you know, and the other one is Ava. She’s Eli’s neighbor and was also in our class.”

“Ah. They must have been close.”

“They were. I think they got closer after all the drama between us.”

“I bet if you two had reconciled sooner, she would have invited you up there.” Jerica kissed Bridget’s cheek, wondering if that’s where some of this stress was coming from.

Bridget shrugged. “Who knows.”

Eli grinned at Sarah, then looked at Pastor Scotty before getting a mischievous glint in her eye.

“Before we begin,” Pastor Scotty said. “I believe Eli has one thing she wants to do.”

Confused, Jerica stayed still, her hands wrapped around Bridget’s arm as she held on tightly. She’d never seen a wedding like this, and she’d been to plenty with her large family. No one walked either woman down the aisle. Their attendants followed them, and now…this next thing was just odd.

Eli stepped away from the group up front and came straight to Bridget, that same mischievous look on her face. “Bridge.”

“Elijah,” Bridget stated, her voice firm and low. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Well, I think I’m missing someone up here. So, you coming or not?”


“Get up here. I need you.” Bridget and Eli locked gazes. Jerica let go of Bridget’s hand with a squeeze and helped propel her to take a step forward. Eli nodded at Jerica and led Bridget up to the front, taking a position right behind Ava.

Karen reached over for Jerica’s hand, and she allowed her to take it. “Eli has wanted Bridget up there with her for a long time.”

“I’m glad it all worked out.”

Karen turned soft, watery eyes on Jerica. “It did, didn’t it?”

They focused on the ceremony. As the pastor began talking and they were all allowed to be seated, it was a beautiful thing to watch. Jerica had rarely been to such an open wedding of two women in their part of the country. Usually her friends who were gay left town to get married, which meant she rarely got to attend.

This, however, was one of the most stunning and miraculous things she had ever witnessed. There were at least a hundred people there—the service was unique and so them. She smiled as they exchanged vows and rings, grinning at each other the entire time. Jerica even had to wipe some of her own tears away. She happened to glance up at Bridget, who stood tall and proud, but Bridget’s gaze was locked on Jerica, not on Eli and Sarah.

The look was so powerful that it caught Jerica’s breath and stole it. She wanted this for the two of them. Whether it was a big wedding or not, she wanted Bridget to be her wife, to be married and to never have to be alone again. If she hadn’t known she was in love before, that single look from Bridget was enough to tell her exactly how they both felt then.

Maybe in the next year they could start actually talking marriage and wedding and kids. That was absolutely something Jerica wanted, and she wanted it with this amazingly beautiful and tough woman standing in front of her.

The round of applause distracted them, and their gazes broke as Sarah stepped in and dipped Eli down, kissing her passionately in front of the entire crowd. Jerica’s heart burst with excitement as they came back up, hands clasped together. Bridget was crying, but so was Jerica and everyone else around her. She’d never felt so drawn to a family other than her own before, but this family radiated love. It was amazing to see so much support.

Sarah and Eli walked back down the aisle and stopped as they got to the end. Jerica had no idea who brought him over, but the bull from their first date stood tied to a post, even dressed for the occasion. Eli untied his harness and they walked with him back toward the house.

Pastor Scotty got everyone’s attention and directed them toward the house, where there would be dancing and food out in the front. As she left, all the attendants followed, Bridget last in line, once again making eye contact with Jerica. A shudder ran through her spine. Oh yes, she was going to have fun with Bridget later that night when they got home. She was going to take each piece of clothing off and torture her with kisses.
