Page 22 of Six Graves

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Leanne nodded her acquiescence and fell into step beside her.

It was only once she got to the end of the street that her discomfort made itself known to her. She looked back at her home and the activity within. She understood the time, money and effort going into keeping her safe.

Leanne had asked why she’d displayed no emotion at her predicament. Truthfully, she’d been convinced that within a couple of hours, Symes would be caught and put safely back behind bars. No problem. But as she considered the work now being done on her home, she had to consider that other people didn’t share her view.

She hadn’t lied to Leanne. She hadn’t felt there was any real threat to her life. She hadn’t been worried.

Not until now.


‘Bryant, you should know that I like Leanne even less now than I did when you left us last night,’ Kim said, getting in the car.

‘Should make for an interesting day but feel free to share your reasons,’ Bryant answered, pulling away from the kerb.

‘She made me send Barney away. Right now, he’s on his way to an undisclosed location in north Wales.’ She couldn’t help the sarcasm that dripped from her last few words.

‘Given that there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for that dog, I can see why that would—’

‘Traitor,’ she spat. ‘Here’s hoping you never need my support again.’

‘To be fair, guv, I’ve always hoped that if I’m ever in some serious shit, I’ve got Barney with me, cos I know then you’ll get there a damn sight quicker.’

He wasn’t wrong so she let his point pass.

‘And she’s turned my house into Fort Knox. Pretty sure if I fart I’m gonna set off some kind of alarm or sensor.’

Bryant laughed. ‘Sorry, guv, but that was kinda funny, and that’s also okay by me.’

Realising she wasn’t going to get her colleague on side, she turned her attention out the window. Leanne hadn’t said one word yet had still managed to win the battle.

It hadn’t been easy handing Barney over to Charlie for safe-keeping. He was her soul balm, her best friend and the only thing that could bring her back to zero whatever kind of day she’d had. Without Barney to calm her down, the people in close proximity were in danger of feeling her wrath. Leanne was looking good for top spot.

True to her word, the woman had stayed in the lounge all night.

After a few hours of unsettled catnapping, she’d risen herself, sure that she’d dreamed of Symes but unable to recall the details.

She’d found Leanne already dressed and making coffee. Spying the large duffel bag that hadn’t been there when she went to bed, Kim had questioned its appearance. Leanne claimed ‘a friend’ had brought it during the night. Kim couldn’t help but wonder at these secret people who moved and lurked at night.

The electricians had finally finished defacing her home in the early hours of the morning, leaving her with key fobs, a panic alarm and the feeling that her home was no longer her own. The final insult had been this morning when Leanne had demanded her phone.

‘Why?’ Kim had asked, clutching her phone tightly to her chest.

Leanne had rolled her eyes. ‘I need to install an app so you can access everything remotely.’

Reluctantly she had handed it over.

Leanne had pressed buttons, swiped, and pressed some more buttons. ‘All done, and your password to the system is Barneyboyeleventwelve, capital B and no spaces. Got it?’

‘What are the numbers? They mean nothing to me.’

‘It’s my birthday, and it’s good that they don’t,’ Leanne said, taking the back off her phone.

‘Hey, what the hell are you—?’

‘Tracking device,’ Leanne said, taking a small envelope from her pocket.

Kim lurched towards her. ‘No bloody way.’

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