Page 26 of House of Monsters

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I matched his grin with my own as I pressed closer to his chest. I leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on the hollow of his throat, right next to those slitted gills. “Don’t make me ask you twice…”

The way his whole body went taut had me holding my breath in anticipation. My heart was racing, and my body was a live wire of buzzing nerve endings, begging to be stroked. I needed him to touch me, to take me, to fuck me into oblivion until all there was left was him and me. I wanted him to make me forget the outside world. I didn’t belong there anymore. Maybe I never really did in the first place.


Igave Iris a chance to change her mind, and she was lucky I’d extended her even that small amount of consideration. The truth was I didn’t owe this human a thing, but I was feeling unusually generous.

I could feel the need coming off of this woman in waves, and the scent of it, mixed with all of that delicious agony, was utterly intoxicating. I’d never experienced anything like it before, which was why Iris was still breathing instead of rotting at the bottom of my waters. Many a human had passed through in the years I’d called this place my domain. Some of them had tried to bargain for their lives, tempting me but ultimately falling short.

I’d never encountered a mortal who possessed something that I wanted more than their pain, something that would satisfy me to the same degree. In the end, it was always the same, and my depths were filled with the bones of the ones who’d failed to run from me.

Iris Cooper was the first to stall my wrath for as long as she had, and that intrigued me.Sheintrigued me. At first, it was irksome that a weak mortal woman could possibly affect me so intensely. I’d contemplated ending her pathetic little life before I could find out why, perhaps out of spite alone. Now I was glad I’d chosen to stick this out and discover exactly who Iris was and what she was doing here after all these years.

I hadn’t recognized her at first, not until the moment I heard her screams through the window of the bedroom downstairs. It was a sound I couldn’t forget even if I tried, even after all these years. The pieces fell into place quickly, and I could remember that night as if it’d only happened yesterday. The young girl she used to be was clear in my mind, though there was something so different about her, something integral that had changed in the depth of her soul. Maybe that was why I hadn’t connected it before.

Families had come and gone over the centuries, and eventually, they all began to blur together, but I did have vague recollections of the Coopers. The family had called this place home for maybe four generations before Iris was born. If I recalled correctly, she’d had a younger sister, a mother, and a father, but their names escaped me. I didn’t normally keep track of the finer details, only observing them from afar.

The night Iris’ family was slaughtered, I’d followed the sound of her screams as she fled the house covered in blood, both her own and someone else’s. Her pale hair had been matted to her pretty face, and a deep slash marred her skin, cutting her from ear to chin. She’d run for her life, cutting through dense trees, slipping in the mud from the week’s rainstorms. Barefoot and in a long silky white dress, she wasn’t much more than a vulnerable little mouse begging to be hunted and devoured.

Yet I spared her that night. For reasons I never quite understood, I’d let her run from me and watched as that pale hair had disappeared through the fog down that long country road until the scent of her fear tapered off, leaving only whispers behind for me to feed on.

She was a woman now, and so far removed from the person she was a decade ago. Her eyes were the saddest gray I’d ever seen, but the depth of her agony only highlighted a certain haunting beauty that was incredibly rare for a mortal. She was beautiful in many different ways, and I was still a male who could appreciate such beauty.

She made my cock hard and my mouth salivate to taste her in all kinds of ways that I’d only experienced during fleeting moments of time. I wanted Iris Cooper carnally, in the way a man craved a woman, both flesh and soul. I found myself wanting to hear the sound of her voice as she moaned my name, even the human version of my name I’d given her.

I paused as I breathed in her delicate scent, my senses on alert. I could feel another presence in the woods on the edge of my waters, a creature I hadn’t seen in many, many years. His eyes were following every movement Iris made. I could see him far off in the distance as she leaned in to place a soft kiss on the hollow of my throat. I smiled at the creature through the trees, but he had no ability to smile back. This creature had no name and could not speak with human words or otherwise, but he was cunning and intelligent enough.

I let him watch without alerting Iris to his presence, knowing that if I did, she might lose interest in letting me consume her. Humans spooked easily, and I wouldn’t risk letting her go so quickly. So I let the creature watch as I pulled her closer, raked my claws through her thick pale hair, and twined my tentacles around her curvy body.

Her skin was silky soft, even the spots she’d decorated herself in deep silvery slashes. This woman craved pain, and I would give her more of it gladly.


There was pain in the air tonight. P—a pain so thick that it suffocated the cool night and had me searching through the thick trees. I normally kept away from the human dwellings, but the scent was just too tempting not to follow.

The woman was staying in the old house that had been shrouded in darkness for the last decade. She was alone and vulnerable, and she smelled delicious. I hadn’t been close to a human in years, unless it was to devour them. I kept to my woods, preying on wayward hikers or lost souls who answered my calls.

I’d followed her from the tree line for three days, watching her come and go from the old house. Sometimes she was crying, while other times she was screaming or laughing. Last night, I’d lured her out into my woods with every intention of devouring her, only…I’d hesitated.

She hadn’t run from me like so many others. She hadn’t screamed or tried to fight me off. She’d simply stared at me, intrigued enough to ask me questions. Humans didn’t ask the likes of me questions. I’d been so taken aback by her strange response to me, I decided to spare her, if only because I wanted to know more about her.

She’d given me a name, something I’d never considered nor craved, yet when she gave it to me, there had been a moment between us that solidified something inside of me. There was a need that grew by the hour, the need to own this human and possess her in every way. She’d claimed ownership of me with this name, and I wanted to return the favor.

Tonight, she’d been running through the soaking rain, with her moonlight hair plastered to her face as she carried a bundle of fabric under her arm.

Humans were odd creatures, and I’d never really understood what motivated them. I chose to study this human from afar, never letting her see me, save for that one time. I’d tempted my own restraint that day, and I’d felt her fear wash over me, drinking it in like the sweetest nectar. It only made me crave it more.

Kazimir had her in his arms now, the moonlight shining off of their skin, his deep green and blue next to her pearly paleness. She was wrapped in his various appendages and seemed to be enjoying it, which was an odd reaction for a human. I’d watched Kazimir devour countless mortals over the years, and never once did he hesitate. Still, the way he cradled this woman in his arms was something akin to worship.

I watched as they began to writhe against each other, both rubbing and feeling, as if they couldn’t get enough. The woman, who Kazimir referred to as Iris, moaned loudly, letting her head fall backwards as she closed her eyes in pleasure. For the first time in many centuries, I felt my own cock stir.

Looking down, I watched in fascination as it hardened, hanging heavily between my legs as I peered through the trees. I reached for my length and gripped it in my clawed fingers, giving it a rough stroke. Pleasure coursed through me, making me groan as my strokes became more intense. The sound must have alerted Kazimir, because when I glanced back towards the couple, his glowing green eyes were locked directly on me. His lips were tilted into a smile, as if he knew exactly what I was craving and why.

Iris reveled in the feeling of his tentacles sliding over her lush body. I’d never witnessed a mortal give themselves so completely to their needs. The fear and grief that had saturated the air and pulled me here was fading, quickly being replaced by heavy, thick lust and want. It was a desperate sort of need coming off of her, as if she were seconds from going feral herself.

I decided to stay and see how far she let Kazimir take this, fisting my throbbing cock tightly as she rubbed her cunt against him. I could smell her arousal from here, and it was intoxicating—so intoxicating, I could feel other creatures closing in on Kazimir’s swamp, salivating for just one taste of her. This begged the question, would he fuck the tiny human woman before devouring her? Or would he drink her pleasure as well as her pain?

