Page 33 of Claiming What's His

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“We set up a meet for tomorrow at the old, abandoned factory just off of route eleven.”

“I’ll get some men out there.”

“No, that’s the last thing I want. They will have it watched and it’ll tip our hand.” We didn’t come this far for the plan to backfire now.

“There’s a reason I’m the President, asshole. I’m not stupid,” Ford argues.

I let out a heavy sigh. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it. It’s just we are so damn close to finding out what’s going on inside their club and who’s gunning for you. I don’t want anything slowing it down. I have a life waiting for me now. I’d like to do that with the club breathing easier. I don’t want Shelby to see the bad side of this life right out of the gate.

“We’ll be close by at least. Take the burner with you and leave it on,” Ford says, sternly. I can never tell if this is him talking to me like a father figure or as the president of the club. It sure feels like it could both.

“I’ll take the phone, but I can’t promise you that I’ll be able to leave it on. That might be expected. Tomorrow if you get a call, no one better answer with names, in case I get searched. I doubt they will, but we can’t take a chance if they discover what I’m doing. They might take Streak out as collateral because he’s new.”

“You’re a stubborn asshole,” Ford growls.

“You taught me well,” I laugh just before he hangs up.

Before I can talk myself out of it, I type out a quick text to Shelby on my personal phone.

I miss you, beautiful.

Not even a minute goes by before she’s calling.

“I miss you too,” she breathes, making my cock ache. “Um…So, do you want to tell me why I have a guard outside my house?”

I chuckle. I knew she’d catch on quickly.

“I needed to make sure you were protected.” I lean back on the bed. I miss lying down with her in my arms.

“Aren’t you guys supposed to be stealthy? He’s parked right outside, damn near in my driveway. He wasn’t hard to miss in the black SUV you drive sometimes.”

“That prospect might not get patched in,” I sigh, rubbing my temple. “Clearly he’s an idiot.”

Her laugh is music to my ears, making me smile. I don’t know how much longer I can handle being without her, especially since I don’t know how much longer this is going to go on. Hell, right now each minute seems to drag by.

“You need to hurry back. I’m so lonely without you,” she says, her voice gentle and thick with emotion. Damn, my woman is sweet.

“I’m trying beautiful. I’ll find a way to try and see you soon.” It’s risky, but at this point I need her.

“Just promise me you’ll be careful.”

“You know it, Shelbers.”

She groans, making me smile harder. “You know I hate that name.”

“We could go back to me calling you freckles?”

“I could stop talking to you, too,” she threatens.

“Yeah, but you would miss my cock,” I joke.

“I’d miss you,” she whispers. My name from her lips, her tone full of emotion is all I need in this damn world.

“I love it when you say my name all soft like that,” I groan. “You make my cock rock hard without even trying, baby.”

“King,” she moans.

Her voice sends electricity through me. “Damn it, babe. You don’t know what you do to me.” I reposition my cock so its not straining so hard against my pants. I’m going to need a cold shower stat.
