Page 44 of Claiming What's His

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“Now you’re just dreaming,” I tell him, shaking my head as I laugh. It’s lacking humor and hallow in my ears. I use it to block the tiny shred of hope that T could be right. The hope that I held as a little boy that everything my mom told me was wrong and that he did want me. I’m just glad we don’t have secrets anymore and that’s all this talk was supposed to do.

Everything feels like its falling into place. I have a beautiful woman to go home to every night. My best friend knows he’s actually my brothers and shit with the club is calm enough I don’t feel like I have a giant target on my back anymore. The last thing I need to add to that is daddy issues.

“When dragon comes to town next week you need to talk to him,” T insists.

I feel accomplished with getting this talk done and out of the way. But I’m over digging through my painful scars. I need to get out of here. I turn to talk to T over my shoulder. “I don’t have a damn thing to say to him and never will.”

Chapter 35 Shelby

Lying in bed with King, he talked me into sleeping with him in his room at the compound for a while. While Mason is no longer someone I need to worry about, King isn’t sure what his disappearance will lead to. Making him worry less while being able to be in his arms was all I needed to hear to want to stay.

“So, you finally talked to T?” I ask, rubbing circles into his chest lazily with my finger. I can still feel the lingering tension in his body and don’t like that he’s stressed out. “You did put that off for as long as possible.”

King couldn’t hide the stress from me and eventually admitted to me that he knew they were brothers, which explains some of their resemblances. Mostly the hardheadedness that they both seem to have when it comes to protecting their families.

King was a bit embarrassed to tell me how all that worked between his mom and Dragon, T’s dad. I kept insisting what went down between his parents had nothing to do with him and that maybe it didn’t quite go the way he heard. Everyone has their side of the story. That was easy to s4ee just from the altercation of Mason showing up and spitting lies. Of course, I followed that up with not everyone goes to that extreme but it’s not unheard of. With the way his mom left, I’m thinking Dragon might have been painted the bad guy to keep a younger King from asking questions she didn’t want to answer.

“Yeah. T is cool with it, but he wants me to talk to Dragon which only got in my head and messed it up,” King admits, staring up at the ceiling as I look up his chest.

Every time I look at him, I can’t help but be in awe. His strong chiseled jaw line, his laugh smiles, his full lips. It all makes the perfect package that somehow was meant for me. I push up to his neck.

“Maybe you should keep an open mind. I don’t see T making those claims without belief backing them,” I tell him. “Especially not to you, not after you bared your soul to him like that. He must know his dad enough to tell you to talk to him. That confidence comes from somewhere.”

“Yeah, it comes from being raised by Dragon and his old lady,” King adds bitterly.

My heart clenches as I think on all the pain younger King must’ve been in and grown King that has allowed scar tissue to build up over the painful wounds.

“If Dragon is the kind of man who could turn his back on a man as special as you, then he’s not worth the time of day,” I tell him. I can feel how dejected he feels. I think deep down he’s afraid that if he tries to reach out, he will be hurt all over again.

“Careful beautiful, it sounds like you may love me,” King teases, looking down at me.

I throw my leg over his lap as I sit up to straddle him. “That’s because I do.”

He slides his hand up to cup the back of my neck. “That’s good baby because I love you and I’m never letting you go.”

My heart flutters at his words. It’s all I could hope for. He sees me ad hears me. I know King’s words are true because instead of stifling me or walking in front of me, he purposely walks besides me, actively being my partner. Those are the small things that make such a great whole.

He pulls me to him, pushes his lips against mine softly in the middle before both corner of my mouth. The softness of it melting my heart. Then he runs his togue across the seam of my lips before darting it into my mouth, sending heat through me right to my core that’s pressed against the bulge in his pants.

Leaning back, I enjoy the look on his face as I pull his cock out of his pants through the hole in his boxers, wrapping my hand around his silkie thickness, using the engorged head to follow my thigh past my panties to my wet center. He watches me through hooded eyes as I slide down his length until my clit is pressed against the hem of his boxers. I need him inside me too much to worry about any clothing being obstacles. His groan through parted lips, makes me feel like a goddess. He runs his hands up from my hips to my belly until he cups my boobs, rubbing my nipples softly under my shirt.

I whimper as I enjoy the feeling of him inside me while his hands work like he’s got a map of my body and x marks the orgasm. He feels delicious as I start to rock against him. I think he was right about his home being where I am because I feel the same when I’m with him.
