Page 16 of A Hard Time

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“Nothing is settled. There’s no way I’m going there with a man whosebatis used more than sand at a cat’s beach party.”

I frown, trying to figure that one out. “Babe,” I laugh, rubbing the side of my face. “You’ve been hanging around that mother of yours too much.”

“That’s the worst thing you could say to me, Slater,” she complains, but I can hear the humor in her voice.

“Do you know she had me playing fetch with a cow that was wearing a feather boa around its neck for over an hour?”

“That’s Hamburger. Mom used to do that with the poor thing, but she tires out easily these days. Is that what she needs help with at the barn?”

“Yeah,” I answer. “Well, that and helping her to give him a bath. Apparently,Hamburger,really loves bubble baths.”

“He really does. Especially in strawberry bubble bath.”

“You act like all of this is entirely normal.”

“That’s because it is if you’re in Ida Sue’s world.”

“Then why did I get the feeling she was more interested in seeing me with my shirt off than bathing her cow?”

“Because she probably was. She likes muscles and what she calls arm porn and let’s face it, you have that in spades.”

“Glad you’ve noticed.”

“I have,” she admits. “Of course, I haven’t noticed as much as my mother. I can’t decide if she has a thing for dark colored skin, or just does it to drive Dad crazy because that’s the one thing he can’t change for her.”

“That doesn’t sound like a healthy marriage. You shouldn’t have to change anything to pleasure your woman. Although, considering I’ve been hated for the color of my skin before, having someone like it that much isn’t a bad thing.”

“Mom and Dad have the best marriage that I’ve ever seen. I could only hope to have that kind of marriage one day. She doesn’t want him to change anything.”

“Then what does she want?” I ask, reaching over to the nightstand and grabbing my water. A smile pulls at my lips. Marigold is contradicting herself. She doesn’t want to be in a relationship and yet she wants a marriage like her parents. I can’t help but wonder what kind of secrets I will pull out of her the closer we get—and we will get closer.

She sighs. “Probably spanked. It’s either that or sex on the kitchen table again. I really need to find my own place soon.”

I start coughing, choking on my water as she answers me just as I’m swallowing. Water goes everywhere and the bottle I’m holding spills down my stomach, over my cock, my damn balls, and the cover beneath me.

“Are you okay?”

“What the… hell?” I wheeze as I try to stifle my coughing enough to snap at her. I stand up, gathering the comforter in one hand and wiping off my soaked body. “You almost caused me to choke.” I’m still coughing like a damn full. Water even managing to come out of my damn nose.

“It actually sounds like youarechoking.”

“Why the hell would you say something like that?”

“Because it’s true,” she says, and I can practically hear her smirk. She’s enjoying this way too much.

“Christ, Marigold, that’s not an image I want in my mind. Now, whenever I see your mother, I’m going to picture her bent over the kitchen table with your father smacking her ass.”

“At least you haven’t walked in and scene that play out in real life,” she replies.

I go silent for a moment. I mean, how in the hell do you respond to that?

“Your family is crazy, baby.”

“If I had a dollar…”

“I just have one question.”

“What’s that?”
