Page 32 of A Hard Time

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Slater pushes his hand underneath me, playing with my clit as he kisses along my back. My skin is sensitive, and every kiss seems filled with an electrical current. I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything this overwhelming. I feel sexy and feminine in a way that I didn’t think possible. The sounds he’s making fuel a need inside me that I know only he can ever satiate.

I feel my muscles start to tighten around him, heat fluttering around me like a lightning storm that settles in the base of my spine. I’m going to cum. It’s the only clear thought I have right before I feel his cock jerk inside of me and this liquid heat begins to fill me. He’s coming and the knowledge of that, along with his groan of pleasure is all I need to send me over the edge and join him. Stream after stream of his cum jets inside of me. He’s riding me hard. I’m thrusting back to meet him, wanting every drop of him. Both of us ride the wave together for as long as we can. Finally, my legs begin to grow weak, and Slater moves us so that I fall on my side, his body behind me, shielding me from the outside world, cocooning me in his warmth. He doesn’t pull out and I’m thankful for the moment to just feel the aftershocks tighten me around his shaft.

I whimper my regret when he does pull out. It feels wrong and so empty that I hate it. He leaves me and I panic, thinking now that it’s done, he doesn’t want more. It’s scary because I do want more—a lot more and I can’t let myself think about that right now. I roll over to see him walk into the bathroom. I hear water running and wonder if he’s planning on taking a shower…

I don’t know what to do now. Do I leave? I’ve never been in this position. When you have sex in the back of the car, you leave when you’re driven home. I’m not sure what the protocol is for this particular situation. I want to yell at Slater that he could have at least told me what he was thinking. I start to sit up. It would probably be good to find my clothes. Before I can, however, he comes back out. I open my mouth to complain to him, but snap it shut when I see him smiling tenderly at me. He’s carrying a wet washcloth and a small drying towel in his hands.

I don’t have to ask his intent. I know.Is this normal?

“Lay back down, baby and spread your legs for me,” he instructs.

I do what he says without comment—probably because I’m feeling more than a little shell-shocked. I whimper as the warm cloth slides against my pussy. It feels so good that there are no words, but even it can’t compete with the pleasure I feel as I watch him take care of me. Slater is so much more than I ever imagined.

“I think you lied when you said you were going to take it easy on me, Ace,” he jokes, tossing the cloths in the direction of the bathroom. He settles back on the bed and He’s still hard.

After all we’ve just shared, how is he still hard?

“I could say the same for you,” I tease back.

Before I settle myself onto the pillow, he pulls me onto his lap. I straddle him, feeling his cock hitting my sensitive clit. I’m not quite ready and I think he knows it, but I want him back inside inside me. Slater’s hands roam up my body, cupping my heavy breasts and squeezing, while I sit up on my knees, leaning in to kiss him. The kiss turns hungry, almost harsh in intensity. Air burns my lungs as I pull away to gasp when I lower back down on his cock.

“Fuck, baby,” he groans, as I take him completely.

His hands come to my hips, but instead of taking over and letting me ride him, he maneuvers me so that I lay forward, stretched out over his body, relishing the feeling of him buried inside of me. His strong arms wrap around me protectively and I’ve never felt safer or had such a feeling of complete contentment before. I never knew a man could be both possessive and gentle at the same time. I never dreamed any man would be that way with me. Slater makes me feel cherished. Almost as if he knows what I’m thinking and wants to prove I’m right, he kisses my forehead. I want more, but I need time to recover enough to go for another round. So instead, I close my eyes and just feel happy.

I could lay like this with Slater forever.



I run my fingers through Marigold’s soft hair, letting it sift through my hold. I breathe in the scent of our lovemaking and the hint of coconut and vanilla of her skin surrounds me. A sense of rightness hits me and it’s so fucking sweet that my eyes close in pleasure.

She’s still lying over me. My cock—which is still semi-hard—is still inside her sweet pussy and I know that I’m holding all I could ever want in my arms right now. I’ve spent my life feeling like an outsider, having nothing or no one other than baseball to give me a purpose. One night with Marigold has changed everything.

Every single thing.

I’d tell her that, but there’s no way she’s ready to hear it. Before we made love, she reminded me of a frightened rabbit—terrified of any move I might make to the point she’d jump into oncoming traffic to get away from me. It’s not going to be easy, but I need to hold back from letting her know exactly what I’m feeling until I’m sure I have her completely hooked.

“I don’t want to move,” she whispers.

“Then, don’t.”

“It’s going to a long drive home. I need to get moving.”

“Stay here tonight,” I counter, moving my hips just enough to remind her that I’m inside of her and not ready to leave. “I’m not done with you.”

“If I don’t go home tonight, Green will know where I am. I’m not sure you want to deal with my brother’s crazy if he finds out we had ferret sex all night.”

“Okay what is this ferret sex thing? I’m not sure I like anything I do to you called that, Ace.”

She laughs, making her eyes sparkle. “Have you seen a ferret have sex?”

“Fuck no, is this something you Texas people do, or just a Lucas proclivity?”

“Knock it off,” she giggles. As her body moves with her humor, her pussy tightens against my cock, and I can’t resist rocking into her. I’m rewarded with her giggle sliding into a moan. I move a hand down to her ass and grind her into me. I feel the silky wetness of her desire glide around my cock.

Sweet Jesus, she’s so fucking perfect.
