Page 39 of A Hard Time

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I come awake with a gasp as a loud noise has me sitting up in the bed. My heart lodges in my throat when I look around. It’s completely daylight outside.

“Shit!” I hiss under my breath.

My gaze immediately goes to the beautiful dark-skinned god beside me in bed. If I wasn’t in such a panic, I’d take a minute to just admire how gorgeous he is. The thing is, however, Iampanicked. Actually, scratch that.I’m terrified.My eyes dart to the clock beside my bed. It’s ten in the morning.How did this happen?

Fuck, I know how it happened. It was stupid Slater and his penchant for staying inside of after we have sex. Quick round one turned into a very slow round two. He asked to stay a little longer and I let him—mostly because I didn’t want him to leave. I did have enough brain cells left to make him move his car behind the old barn. So, eagle-eye Mom didn’t see it when they got back. Of course, I meant to make him go home before that was a possibility. That didn’t work out because being close to Slater resulted in round three in the shower. Still, it was round four that was my demise. We were talking in the bed and that led to him sliding down my body and his mouth doing so many wicked things between my legs that I passed out afterwards. He fucked me into unconsciousness. There’s no other way to put it.

I jump as I hear the clanging noise downstairs. I know exactly what it is. Mom is in the kitchen. She has thing about rising early to start the day—especially through the week. If she thinks you’re sleeping in too long, she gets louder and louder. If that still doesn’t rouse you, she’ll get creative on ways to wake you up. That can include her barging in unannounced. That’s the last damn thing I need. If she catches Slater naked in my bed, my life will be hell.

I get out of bed, fear fueling me so much that I nearly fall over. I grab hold of the headboard to steady myself and squeak out in shock as Slater’s arm goes around my waist and he pulls me back into him. I make my hands into fists and slap downward, connecting with his arms as I squirm to get away.

“Get back in bed with me, Ace. I need that hungry pussy milking my cock again.”

“Will you keep your voice down!” I hiss under my breath. “They’ll hear you!”

He pulls me around on his lap to look at me.

“What are you talking about? There’s just you and me in this room. Don’t tell me your walls have ears, baby.”

“You have no idea,” I mutter. “My parents are downstairs. You’ve got to get out of here before they find you in my bed.”

“So, we’ll be quiet. I know that’s hard for you. It’s just as hard for me because I love it when you scream out when I’m fucking you, but you can bite into me instead.”

It takes everything I have, because his words feel my body with heat, but I pull away from him and stand up. I run around like a crazy woman looking for clothes.


“Bat-Boy I love you but if you want more of what we got going on, you will get out of that bed, throw your clothes on and sneak out of this house before my mother discovers you.”

He looks at me like he can’t believe what I just said. Maybe he can’t. I mean, I’m a grown woman trying to hide the fact that she had sex all night from her mother. This is probably not a normal everyday occurrence with his Bat-Bunnies. Still, there’s nothing about my mother normal and he has no idea how much danger the two of us are in.

“Will you hurry!” I snap, hating I must keep my voice down. If ever there was an occasion to yell, it would be right now.

“You think she wouldn’t approve of me?”

Something in his tone makes me stop mid panic to look at him. His face is closed off, though. I can’t tell what he’s thinking. I frown but shake it off.

“You’ve met my mother, right? She’s not just riding the crazy train, she’s the damn conductor. She would love the fact you’re in my bed. Haven’t we had this conversation?”

“Yeah,” he says, sounding relieved. He rubs the back of his neck, staring at me. “We need to talk about what you said.”

“You mean about you getting out of here? There’s no time to talk. You just need to do as I ask and trust that what I’m doing is best for both of us.”

He lets out an annoyed breath. I can tell I’ve disappointed him, but I can’t help it.

“Fine, I’ll get dressed and sneak downstairs.”

“What?” I wheeze. “You can’t go down there!”

“How else do you think I’m going to leave, Ace?”

“You have to go out the window.”

“Hell no. I’m not sneaking out a second story window, baby. Not even for you.”

“You have to.”
