Page 43 of A Hard Time

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“I should be inside Marigold right now all warm and tightly squeezed in heaven. Instead, my cock is slinging out on a floor cold enough to make it want to crawl inside my balls.” I throw the sheets and blanket up on the mattress so I can peer underneath the bed. I see a flash of white under there, so I reach under to drag it out. It feels to thick and squishy to be socks, but in for a penny, in for a pound. I pull it out and frown when I realize it’s just a white T-shirt. I look at it, wondering idly if I’ve seen her in it before. Something wiggles under my hand, shocking me.

“What the hell?”

I yank the fabric apart and stare down at the ugliest rat I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s black and white. The hair is almost busy and going in a million directions. Its little beady eyes stare at me, shiny white teeth glow as it makes some rat noise. Before I can drop the damn thing, it latches onto my hand biting me.


I sling it away from me, shaking my hand. I try to inspect it to see if I’m bleeding when the freaking rat comes charging back and pounces on my damn dick, using it like a trampoline to bounce onto my stomach.

“Get the fuck away from me! Son of a bitch!” I scream, grabbing it with both hands and throwing it off me.

I stand up and I swear the rat is three feet away from me, staring me down like we’re at the O.K. Corral, preparing for a gunfight. I think I’m seeing things when he goes on his back legs as if it was standing and holds up its other two little rat hands like he’s cracking his freaking knuckles. Then, the damn thing starts running to me again.

I jump up quicker than I’ve ever moved in my life. Hell, Green would be impressed at how fast I am. If I wasn’t scared, I was about to get attacked by the demon rat from hell, I would be proud of me. I make it to Marigold’s desk. I start to climb up on her office chair but instead I shove it out, hoping it will stop the damn rodent from coming at me. That was stupid, I can admit that. I should have known that wouldn’t stop the thing. This is some kind of outer space rat, or one that’s been made smarter by scientists like in the movies, because he just jumps over the leg. He makes it to me, and I jump up on the damn desk just as he latches onto my foot. It drops to the floor as I shake my foot, but I swear it’s jumping up to try reach me again. I get down on all fours on Marigold’s desk. Her shit is going everywhere, but I don’t have time to worry about that right now. I reach down and open a drawer, wrapping my hand around the biggest object I can find. I lean down and start slapping at the rat with it. If I can reach the damn thing, I will show him just why I have one of the best RBI’s in the league.

“What the hell is going on here?” I hear a man growl as Marigold’s door swings open.

I look at the door and hold my head down. Marigold is there but so are her mom and dad.

My woman’s eyes are trying to shoot laser beams of death my way. I start to apologize but the damn rat is still at it. I have to give it my attention, slapping at it again with my weapon. For the first time, I notice I’m holding a fucking dildo in my hand.

I didn’t meet to Marigold’s dad the last time I was here. That means, I’m meeting the man for the first time on all fours with my ass in the air, my cock splayed out for all to see, trying to kill a rat with a damn rubber dick—after fucking his daughter all night.

That’s one hell of a first impression.



I know I’m young. Still, I’m a Lucas. In this family, you see a lot of things. My brother’s ass was plastered all over the papers for months because he and his wife, CC, got caught having sex on a golf field and running from a skunk. Maggie’s husband, Bryant, ran through the wooded hills at my cousin’s cabin, completely naked while chained to a broken headboard—I didn’t see that, thank God, but I heard about it for a long time. Still, I don’t think anything in my life could have prepared me for this moment.

As we come up the stairs, Dad wouldn’t stop until he got in front of me. He was afraid we had an intruder. When he opened the door, I slipped under his arm and I was expecting to see Green standing there like a mad man, trying to kill my boyfriend with a baseball bat. That, sadly, is not what I see at all.

My eyes dilate, shock is so thick it feels like my eyebrows might recede back into my hairline. My heart feels as if it freezes mid-beat and it’s almost painful to try and get air in my lungs. I’m not sure Iambreathing. I can’t believe what I’m seeing. I close my eyes and then slowly open them again, thinking it can’t be real…

But it is.

Slater is on top of my desk on his hands. His ass is higher in the air because he’s leaning down toward the floor, swatting at River’s pet Guinea pig with a…

I blink.Oh, God.He’s trying to hit it with a sex toy.

“Slater, what on earth are you doing?” I squeak out. I wanted him to leave because I knew it was going to be bad if my parents found him here. This was a scenario I couldn’t have imagined for fathomed.

“There’s a mutant rat trying to attack me. Get out and save yourself, baby.”

“Lord, have mercy,” Mom whispers. “Do you think that thing is real?” Mom sounds as if she’s in awe and I close my eyes.

“It’s real,” I mutter.

“Lovey, stop looking at his damn dick,” Dad snaps.

“Believe it or not, Jan, I really am trying. It’s just so…big.I think I’m hypnotized.”

I wince, slapping my hand over Mom’s eyes—not really wanting her to see Slater’s dick either.

“Slater get down from there, you’re about to break my desk,” I growl.

“I can’t, Ace, that damn thing is trying to kill me. I’m telling you it’s one of those rats they run experiments on. It’s been programmed to attack,” he says, his voice sounding panicked as he swings at it with the dildo again.
