Page 47 of A Hard Time

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“The hell you can’t. I work my ass off,” I answer, taking a bite of Ida Sue’s breakfast. I refuse to rise to her bait. She wants me mad to have an excuse to run away. “Also, what do you mean it’s not your sex toy? If you get off using those on your men, babe, you can forget it. My ass has a permanent non entry sign glued to the son of a bitch.”

“I don’t think this is a conversation you should be having in front of us. We’re Marigold’s parents after all,” her mother says gently. “Let’s just forget the scene upstairs and start over, shall we? Let me get you something to drink.”

“Way to go, Bat-Boy, you’ve managed to make my mother uncomfortable, and I wouldn’t have thought that was possible.”


“And I mean it, it’s not my sex toy. I barely use the desk. I don’t know who that belongs to. Also, for the record, I don’t let men into my bedroom. Even my brothers have to ask for permission.”

“If you barely use the desk then why do I have to buy you a new one?”

“On principal,” she says with a shrug, and I just shake my head.

“Babe, how is a sex toy going to end up in your room if you didn’t put it there? It’s okay to admit it. I don’t care what you did before, I just know that from here on out you’re going to be getting one hundred percent grade-A Slater.”

“God, your ego is unbelievable,” she grumbles.

“Seriously, let’s stop talking about this. Here’s you something to drink, AC,” Ida Sue says, putting a glass in front of me.

“Lovey,” Jansen says, his voice is deep, and he sounds pissed. The only good thing about that is that it doesn’t seem to be directed at me.

“Yes, Jan, sweetheart?” Ida Sue says wringing her hands together.

“You want to tell me why you’re trying to get rubber-dick boy to shut up instead of torturing Mary like we both know you’re great at doing?”

“Jansen Reed! I don’t know what you mean. I don’t torture my children. I love them.”

“I know that baby. Ain’t a woman around with more love in their heart than you do. Your kids and I are all blessed.”

Ida Sue’s face goes soft. “Thanks, Jan,” she utters quietly. When you look at her it is clear she’s in love with Jansen and that’s the moment I realize that I want that exact look on Marigold’s face when she’s talking to me. A man could get addicted to that look. I look over at Marigold now and she’s watching her parents and the woman takes my damn breath. I could fall in love with her easily. I might already be…

“That damn toy is yours, isn’t it, woman?” Jansen accuses, ruining the moment of love between them and suddenly I realize why his anger wasn’t focused on me.


“Don’t you Jan me,” he growls.

“Dang it, Jansen! It’s not what you think.”

“I think my woman has been get frisky with a damn piece of rubber instead of her man!”

“It’s not rubber, it’s silicone really,” Ida Sue hedges.

“I don’t give a fuck. You tell me what that damn thing can give you that I don’t.”

“It’s not like that. I haven’t used that old thing in years.”

“Slater, I’m thinking we should leave. I’ve heard a lot of things in this house over the years, but I’m not sure I can handle hearing my mother talk about using a dildo,” Marigold whispers in my ear.

Her soft breath warms me all the way through. “We can leave, Ace,” I breathe out, bending down to place a kiss on her neck.

“So, you have used it,” Jansen growls.

“Well, a long time ago. Remember, Jan? You were teaching Allen how to ride bulls and it was stung by that sand hornet? Dang bull bucked you off and you land cross ways on that pile of wood you boys hadn’t put up on the fence yet, remember?”


“Well, your family jewels were bruised, and you were out of commission for a good three weeks or longer.”
