Page 50 of A Hard Time

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“We have zero trust between us, Marigold. Have you noticed that?”

“Tell me,” she urges, as some of the juice trickles down my throat and I’m left struggling not to either spit it out or swallow it down.

“I just slipped some herbs and roots in there,” Ida Sue grumbles.

Herbs and roots?

“They may not work, there’s no actual proof it will,” Ida Sue says and now I’m leaning toward spitting the drink out.

“What’s itsupposedto do,” Marigold presses and I swear her voice sounds like a rabid dog getting ready to attack. Can it be that bad?”

“I’m worried about you, baby. I’m not sure AC is natural…”

“Natural?” my woman echoes the thoughts in my head.What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

“He could hurt you,” her mother utters, under her breath.

“Slater would never hurt me,” she says, her voice absolute. I finally give up and swallow the damn juice, hugging her to me.

“Damn straight.”

“I don’t mean like that. I don’t know AC but I’m pretty sure he’s a good guy.”

“Thanks, I think.”

“So, what did you do?”

“I put some herbs in there that have been rumored to…”

“To what?” I thunder, getting worried—especially since I’ve had two drinks of the stuff. “I didn’t taste anything weird in there.”

“Well, you wouldn’t. The stuff I added don’t really have taste.”

“What does it do? Stop beating around the bush.”

“Lord, you’re a broken record, Marigold.”

“What does it do,” Jansen asks, and he’s grinning which makes me worry way more than I was before.

“It’s supposed to shrink the size of a man’s tallywhacker,” she finally confesses.

I look at the glass of juice in my hand like it has suddenly grown a head and is laughing at me because it’s slowly poisoning my dick. Marigold must have a similar reaction because she knocks it out of my hand. My plate of eggs and bacon are overrun by poisoned orange juice that runs over onto the table.

“Don’t drink that!” Marigold demands, her voice full of horror.

I can’t reply. I’m too busy remembering I had two very large swallows. My gaze moves to Jansen who has his head thrown back, laughing.

“Lovey you may have just got yourself out of hot water,” the bastard says, only laughing harder when I pin him with a hateful look.

“Let’s get out of here,” Marigold says, holding my hand tightly and practically pushing me off the bench.

“Hey! Where are you going? You need to clean this mess up,” Ida Sue yells.

“I’m not touching it and you leave my boyfriend’s dick alone. It’s perfect the way it is!”

If I wasn’t so worried my penis was shrinking at this very moment, I’d stop and kiss my woman. As it is, I let her lead me out of the kitchen, her dad’s laughter still ringing in my ears.
