Page 144 of Love You Anyway

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I shipped all of Collin’s clothes to South America. He didn’t collect anything. I suppose it was because things meant nothing to a man who only cared about people. I kept a few things, like his Boston Red Sox sweatshirts—sacrilegious, I know—but he loved them. And I loved to see that side of him once in a while.

Care-free Collin was not often seen. When we were out, he always looked around for any signs of danger. When we were home, he always spent a week constantly looking at his computer. He tried to lead me to believe it was work, but as the years passed, I realized it was him destressing and deprogramming himself.

Love making with him was intense. And so good. He lost himself in me. He made me feel like I was adored and treasured every moment.

I miss him so much, but the world is, in fact, still spinning, and I am so in love with Piper. So in love. I swear she’s a gift from him. Harper and Maddox swear that’s why she was born on my birthday, and I believe it to be true.


I’m sitting on the bed when the phone rings. Without looking, I know who it is.

“Hey, Lucas.”

“How are you, baby?”

“I’m good. I’m sitting in my new room.”


I forgot I haven’t told him.

“I’m now a resident of Harper’s room. She and Maddox have our old room.”

“How are you feeling about that?”

“Good, actually. They need the room with Piper now. The bathroom is there. Everything is fine. It’s better. It’s—”

“Baby, it’s okay.” His voice is soft and gentle.

“I sent all his clothes to South America. I kept some sweatshirts, of course pictures and awards, and all that stuff.” I stop talking because I know I’m rambling.

“Did you keep underwear?”

“What?” I can’t help but laugh.

“Yeah, underwear and a pillowcase are must-keeps. I lost this girl once. Not the same as you, but I kept three pair of these little boy shorts she used to prance around in. I would put her pillowcase on a pillow, and lay back, and fall asleep with her panties on my face.”

I pretend to be annoyed, but I’m smiling. “You’re such a jerk, you know.”

“I’m telling you, it helped.” I hear the smile in his voice.

“Collin wasn’t big on material things.”

“Is that code for he liked to go commando?”


“So, Collin didn’t wear underwear?”

“Lucas, this conversation is weird.”

“Not to me.” The way he says it, I know he is serious.

“Okay, but don’t ask anything else about Collin or underwear.”


“How’s it going with the lawyer?”
