Page 148 of Love You Anyway

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Isit in Dad’s office, speechless. His lawyer and mine just told me that he sold Links Construction to a company that’s taking it public and branching out overseas. Dad’s reasoning? He’s ready to retire.

I mention that, without my signature, that’s impossible, because I own half the company. He informs me that I technically never did. My name was never legally added to the business, and when LLGI started, he decided to let it be. He also informs me the money would be split four ways. Those four ways included me, my sisters, and him. He deposited twelve point five million dollars into my account yesterday when the sale was finalized. He and my sisters are taking a chance with owning between them fifty percent of the company and four million each.

When I ask why he didn’t ask if I would take that offer, he tells me I wasn’t included because the new owner did not want me involved in the business. If he hadn’t conceded, he would have lost the deal.

“That’s fucked up, Dad.”

“Have a seat, Lucas.”

“No, I’m good. Let me ask you exactly why the fuck my sisters got a better deal than I did! I have busted my ass for you since I was fourteen years old—”

“And you were paid.”

“Explain to me why you’re acting so fucking cold.”

“It’s business, Lucas.”

His secretary buzzes him, and he responds with, “Send them in.”

I turn and see Audri and my sisters walk in.

My chest tightens when I realize they all knew. Then I realize what the hell is going on.

“Who bought you all out?”

No one answers.

Dad stands. “Look, son—”

“Son? Don’t you call me son, you bastard.”

“Lucas, please.” Audri sniffles.

“How long have you all known?”

My sisters and Audri all look down.

“How the fuck long have you all known Ashley was fucking around on me!”

“Lucas, it’s a tough spot you put us all in when you married my wife’s sister.”

“Fuck you! Fuck you all.” I feel sweat beading on my forehead and stand. I’m so angry. “You sold out a business that I put blood, sweat, and tears into.”

“Lucas, I built this business—”

“And then I came on like the little bitch you wanted me to be. I was your showboat, the football player, the ladies’ man, and the motherfucker who grew this business into what it is today! I have my suspicions, but do me a favor. Rip off the fucking Band-Aid and tell me who the new owner is.”

“Me.” Ashley walks in and sets her briefcase on the desk. “I bought the business.”

“Oh yeah, with what?”

“I’ve worked hard, too, Lucas.”

“Worked hard? You’re the highest priced errand girl I have ever met. Fuck, I paid you for years to fuck the shitbag senator. That’s a whore, Ashley, not a businesswoman!”
