Page 59 of Love You Anyway

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As I tie my son’s tie, I chuckle.

“You’re laughing at me?” Logan groans.

“No, buddy, laughing with you. I remember my first formal event. It took me hours to get it right. I was so pissed at the tie that I called and told my date I wouldn’t be there.”

He laughs. “Why didn’t you have Grandma do it?”

Because she was loaded. So fucked up she couldn’t function.

“She was busy.”

“Did you get it, or did you really blow her off?”

“She called crying. I called Tommy. He helped me, and all was well. There, all done.” I step back and watch him admire the tie in the mirror then look at himself and smile, which makes me laugh.

“What? Look at this face. Perfection, Dad.”

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, boy.”

He stands and watches as I tie my tie. We both button our cuffs and start to turn to leave when Ashley walks in.

What the hell is she wearing?

“Can I use the bathroom a minute, or are you two going to be a while?” she asks.

“All yours,” I say as I walk by, skeptically eyeing the wife.

“What?” she half-hisses.

“Nothing, Ash. You look nice; that’s all.”

I have never seen her in such a tight dress, or one as low cut. She does look great. I won’t be banging her tonight, but someone should.Bitch!


The wedding was perfect. Just family, which is huge, and a few close friends. It was also elegant.

It’s amazing to watch Harper smile. She deserves this. So does her husband. Watching them makes me believe that love can overcome all things.

My little princess looks beautiful, too. Always does, but today, she looks like a little woman. Maddox’s groomsman keeps looking at her in a way that annoys the fuck out of me, but who can blame him? She’s petite, like Ash, but too damn curvy. She also shares the same facial structure as her mother, but her eyes are green, like mine, her lips are mine, and her skin tone is mine, as well. I hate that she’s too damn beautiful. The girl has my spunk, too. She will make a damn good lawyer.

Logan drove separate. He brought a date, Sadie. God, that name still makes me cringe. Even worse than that was riding with bridezilla.

“Remember our wedding, Lucas?” she asks as we drive to the reception.

“Yes. Ava was conceived that night.”

“And you went to Tessa, thinking Collin was missing. You chose her that night, while I stood in a wedding dress. After you promised me always.”

“You have got to be kidding, Ash. Come on, for fuck’s sake. What the hell is your problem?”

“No, you wait one minute, Lucas! If that was Ava who had just exchanged vows, and her new husband told her to give him a minute so he could get himself together when his ex-fiancée was in trouble, how would you feel then, Lucas?”

“Listen to yourself, Ashley. You’re trying so damn hard to not take responsibility for your own actions. Do you think this is goddamn easy for me? My wife, the woman I loved, the only person I have ever been faithful to, goes and fucks around on me, and I’m dealing with it. I’m not calling you a whore, or kicking your ass out. I’m trying to keep things normal for the kids, and you just keep poking at me. How fucking long do you think I can keep this shit up?”

“However long she needs you to.”

“Enough. I’m done with this conversation. Figure out how you can suck it up for your kids. I certainly am.”
