Page 62 of Love You Anyway

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Tessa gets to her first. “Ava, I’m so sorry. I was wrong to hit—”

“She was wrong to say that about Collin,” Ava cuts her off. “It’s my fault.”

I squat next to Ava and wipe her tears. “No, Ava, it’s not your fault.”

“Is, too, Dad. Harper, I am so sorry I ruined your wedding and your prom. If you never talk to me again, I will understand.”

“Don’t be silly, Ava,” Harper says, taking her hand.

“Fuck, Harper, don’t fucking take off like that again.” Maddox storms across the room.

“Sorry, it’s just—”

“Listen, everyone,” I redirect. “What just happened out there is unfortunate.”

Ava stands. “Daddy, I want to leave.”

“You stay and have fun, Ava. I’m gonna get a cab and go deal with this.”

“Why? Why don’t you just leave her?”


I run my hand through my hair and try to gain some composure. “Bottom line, your brother needs to finish school. I don’t want him distracted. When he’s graduated, if that’s what I have to do, then I will.”

“She’s been cheating on you for how—”

Shocked she knows this, but trying to stay calm, I even surprise myself by doing so. “Okay, Ava, let’s not do this here.”

Jade looks at Tessa, and then at me. “Listen, Ava, no one else here is gonna say anything, so I will. Ava, your mom has been cheating on your father for years now.”

“Jade, that is enough,” I warn.

“Then you tell her, Lucas. Do you think they don’t feel it? Your house is like a fucking iceberg.” She looks at Tessa. “You don’t seem surprised.”

“What? I—”

“Oh, for Christ’s sake, Jade, she didn’t do a damn thing,” I snap at her.

“It’s all my fault,” Ava cries.

“No, Ava, it’s not. It’s—”

“Why didn’t you leave her?” Tessa asks, clearly pissed, which shocks me. “Why would you put up with it, Lucas? God! Collin told me he thought something was going on and—”

“Collin knew?”

Jade huffs. “Where do you think the letter came from, telling you, jackass?”

“Shit, that was just recently. I’ve suspected for years.”

“And you did nothing?” Ava cries.

“What should I have done, Ava? Leave her and see you two every other weekend?”

“We would have stayed with you!”

“It wouldn’t have been your choice. Besides, up until six months ago, it was just a suspicion. No, dammit, I’m not going to explain myself to you. Shit happens. That’s it.” I shake my head. “The man I suspect she is with is a politician. His brother is the fuck who had you two arrested. That’s what you would have dealt with—fucking scum like that—and that wasn’t happening. Ava, you tell me what you want, and I will consider it, but you have to consider that Logan is at a very impressionable age. I can handle my shit just fine, I can assure you of that.”
