Page 21 of Cracked Open

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Every sign points toward it. The thought makes me sick, and I grab the trash can beside Detective Harden’s feet. I lean forward and hurl into the tiny green square as I recount the last 24 hours in my mind.

It started yesterday morning. The smell of bacon twisted my stomach, making me run for the bathroom before I could even open my eyes. That’s how I knew I was pregnant. The morning sickness hit me so early. Like two days after my missed period. I peed on the stick to be sure, and I cried when it was positive.

Colby dumped me four weeks ago. It wasn’t what I wanted. I didn’t care that he was a criminal. I really didn’t. But he insisted it was for my benefit, and now I’m alone. I’m going to raise a baby all on my own.

I tried to tell him because it was the right thing to do. But his phone number went straight to a messaging system that said he couldn’t accept calls. At first I thought he blocked my number, but now I think he canceled the plan. Or maybe even stopped paying the bill. I went to his apartment, and he didn’t answer. I sat outside the door for twelve hours before the landlord took pity and allowed me inside to see for myself. The apartment had been emptied. Not a single piece of furniture or a strand of hair was left behind.

Now, here I sit in the precinct with a detective who took pity on me. I had stood for two hours, arguing with the uniformed officer at the front desk. Apparently, I didn’t have enough to file a missing person’s report. Absolute bullshit.

I resorted to crying, and that’s when Detective Harden intervened. I wasn’t puking now because of morning sickness. No, it was because he told me that Colby Monroe didn’t fucking exist. How is that even possible?

“You’d be surprised, miss. Lots of people lie about who they are. I’m sorry. Without a legal name, there isn’t much I can do for you.”

I didn’t realize I spoke my question out loud. Shaking my head, I lean forward and rest my head in my hands. “Who does this?”

The detective shrugs. “Someone running from the law, or maybe he was married. I wish I could give you answers, miss. Unfortunately, I cannot find any Colby Monroe. His parents, or someone in his family, would have to report him at this point. Did you know them?”

I clear my throat as I shake my head. “He said he didn’t have any. How could I have been so stupid?” Seriously. I mean, I’m studying for the fucking bar. How am I going to be a lawyer when I can’t even sense a liar right in front of me?

No, he wouldn’t do this. Colby wouldn’t do this. He has to be… oh, fuck. My stomach twists at the thought. He can’t be dead either. I’m going to have his baby. I’m alone. A single mother. Never would I have expected to be in this situation.

I muster a thank you to the detective who humored me. He probably thinks I’m a fucking lunatic. And he’d be right.

When I make it back home, Mac is cleaning dishes from dinner. He recently hired a manager to help pick up the slack so he can have more time off, and to actually spend time together outside of the bar.

I head for the fridge, and grab a drink, as he lifts his head from the dishwasher. He offers me a polite smile, but knows not to question my appearance. I haven’t showered in twenty-four hours, and I’m in yesterday’s clothes. I’m fucking exhausted. No, I’m more than that, I’m… angry, sad, confused.

“You good?” He stands upright and pulls me into a hug. Despite how wonderful I probably smell, he rubs my back.

“Colby is gone. For real,” I whisper. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep my mind on that pain, to help prevent the tears. “I’m pregnant, and he doesn’t even know it.”

Dealing with our breakup has been hard, but I managed. I was sad and drinking too much, but I kept myself as busy as I could with school and focusing on Haley. Now it all feels pointless. The only thing that matters is having a healthy baby. My baby. Colby wasn’t a priority anymore. Whatever happened to him, at least I would still have a piece of him with me.

Mac’s arms envelop me in a hug. He squeezes me so tight, he’s like a fucking boa constrictor taking the life out of me. “I’m sorry, honey. I’m here for you. We will get through this together. We can convert my office into a nursery. And you can focus on your job. Your actual job. With Alice running things at the bar, I’ll be home more.”

Mac holds me and I let him, as the tears fall. It’s everything I need at this moment to not feel alone.
