Page 36 of Cracked Open

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Mac’sispackedlike every other Friday night, and Haley and I make our way through the large crowd and dodge behind the bar. Fran, the manager, turns to yell at us to leave, then realizes it’s me.

I grab two shot glasses and fill them with the first bottle of alcohol I can find. It’s been over a year since Haley and I have had a night out partying together, and we are going to make the most of it by drinking and dancing until Mac drives us home.

Haley grabs her glass, and we take our shots. I swipe us two beers and head to the other side of the bar so we can find a couple of seats. A group of men make room for us at the end of the bar, but we stand as we sip our beers since there are no chairs free.

“I can’t believe Mac was able to keep this a secret from me,” I say.

Haley snorts. “He is complete shit when it comes to keeping secrets. I was surprised, too. But I’m glad he did. Your face was priceless. And Mac said he got it all on recording. He put a camera on the porch. I’m totally posting it online. What is it these kids are using these days? Instagram?”

“It’s TikTok, now.And you better not! I looked like shit.” I shove her arm and she lets out a laugh. “Is anyone else coming tonight from your old group?”

She shakes her head. “Nah. I only really kept in touch with you and Mac. Everyone else got too busy. And honestly, they weren’t close friends like you.”

“Well, I am still standing on top of a table and making a speech for you at some point tonight. I just need to get more alcohol in my system first.”

“No speeches,” Haley whines. “You know I hate having the attention on me.”

“You gave six years of your life to the Army. You deserve to be celebrated, and to get shit-faced, and have your best friend give a speech about how great you are.”

Haley scrunches her eyebrows and shakes her head as she laughs. “There is no way you’re drunk already off one shot, and half a beer.”

“I’m not. I’ve just missed you and I get to be the annoying best friend, and embarrass you.”

I stop and turn toward the stage Mac built a few years ago. It’s tucked into the corner of the bar near the entrance, and I grin when I see that the microphone from karaoke night is still over there. I hurry to the stage before Haley can realize what I’m doing.

Climbing onto the stage, I grab the mic off the stand and flip the power on. It screeches and the high-pitch sound echoes loudly, above the music playing and the noisy chatter. Everyone looks my way, and I’m regretting my decision already.

Haley did my makeup before we left, so at least I don’t look like a washed-up mom who’s looking desperate for a hookup. No, I look like a single lady, that’s at least presentable, with my smoky eyes, tight dark jeans, and black heels. I’d chosen a red tank top and black leather jacket that cuts off at my waist to finish my outfit. I look like a biker’s girl. What was it that Colby called them? An old lady.

Clearing my throat, I tap on the microphone. “Good evening, and welcome to Mac’s. Tonight is very special! Let’s give it up for my best friend, Haley!”

A couple of people clap, but that’s about it. I don’t really blame them; this speech is really fucking stale. I swipe my free hand on my jeans nervously. I can stand up in the middle of a courtroom, but I can’t address a bar full of drunk patrons? “Haley’s celebrating six years serving with the United State Army, as a surgeon! She’s a badass bitch!”

My eyes dart to the front door of the bar as it’s flung open. Three men stride in and glance around. My heart skips a beat when I see him.

Dom’s eyes meet mine, and I gulp as he smiles and waves. I know that somehow, he’s spoken with Mac. There’s no way he’d show up here without Mac’s permission. My brother would definitely kill him. It’s why I never told Mac that Dom came back into my life.

“Wow.” I suck in a breath and shake my head. “Okay. Enough of my dry-ass speech! Enjoy your evening, and congratulations, Haley! I love you. I couldn’t imagine having anyone else as my best friend.”

“Give us a show!” A male voice calls from the back.

“Yeah! Kiss Haley!” someone else calls.

“I’ll kiss Haley, if the two of you kiss first!” I put the mic back.

“Gross!” the first guy yells back.

“It always is for men!” Haley calls from her spot at the bar. “You want a show, you gotta pay up!”

I chuckle and hop down from the stage. I need a few more shots before I confront the asshole who has shown up here and is trying to ruin my girls’ night.

When I make it back to Haley, I lean over the bar to grab the bottle of Jack. She stares as I take a swig straight from the bottle, then she takes it from me to do the same.

“So, are you the reason Dom’s shown up here?” I rest my elbow against the top of the bar. She shakes her head. “Then it’s Mac. How did he know? I never told him.”

“He told me.” Dom’s behind me now, and I refuse to turn, or acknowledge him.I know that if I do, I’m more likely to forgive him without making him grovel. I need to remain strong.

“Mac was in the station today. We had a chat about some things, and he invited me.”
