Page 45 of Cracked Open

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“And it should change,” I agree with her, because what the hell else am I supposed to do with this child? “Listen. We don’t have to be friends. I don’t really care if we never speak again. If Charlotte likes you, that is all that matters.”

“Great. I guess we’re done here.” She smirks.

“I guess so.” I smile, then lock eyes with the waiter who comes back.

“Is everything okay, Mrs. Jackson?” He asks.

I grin smugly. Lisa’s mouth drops in shock. Matt chose our restaurant to have this dinner. He chose the restaurant where I told him I was pregnant, the one where we celebrated all of our anniversaries, the one where everyone knows my name, because I used to bring my clients here. This was our place, the hallways lined with our memories. I will always be Mrs. Jackson here, even as I share a meal with the woman who is attempting to claim my title.

“I’m okay. I won’t be finishing this wine. You can place Lisa’s order on my card.” Grabbing my purse, I reach in and hand him a crisp hundred-dollar bill.

“Thank you, Mrs. Jackson. Have a great evening.”

I get the fuck out of there before my anger gets the best of me and I do something I’ll regret. I need to calm down before I can figure out how to handle this.

I reach my car in record time, panting as I climb into the driver’s seat. Once I settle in, I let out a frustrated grunt and slam my hand against the wheel. I can’t go home to Haley because she got operating rights at the hospital and picked up a shift in their ER. I didn’t even know that was a thing. I always just thought it was something that is done in shows to bring on new characters.

My mind wanders to Dom. He knows how to calm me, how to make me forget that I’m on edge. And like a dangerous drug I’m addicted to, I text him for a hit.

Andi:Finally have a free moment! I’m in the city. You busy?

Dominic:No. Terry is over. Come on by.

A moment later, he sends me his address, and my thirsty ass is happily driving to him. I already know that every time I give in to him, is just another step closer to forgiving him, but I just don’t care right now.
