Page 65 of Cracked Open

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I ignore the pain shooting through my feet, and I know that I’ll regret this later. I step forward, keeping my weight on the balls of my feet so the glass doesn’t slip in further. His eyes widen, but he doesn’t let go of my throat.

He is expecting placid Andrea, the girl who spent eight years trying to do anything to please the spoiled little boy he is. Today, he gets a taste of ruthless, heartbroken, mama bear Andi. He will not threaten me with my daughter.

“You better fucking squeeze the life out of me, because that is the only way you’ll take my baby from me. I will fucking tear you apart, Matthew. You think you can threaten me? I don’t give a fuck how much money you have or who your grandfather is. Don’t underestimate me because I will take everything from you.”

He chuckles, but lets go. “You underestimate me. The Jacksons have deep pockets, Andi. I can ruin your life with the snap of my fingers.”

“No. Jones Jackson has deep pockets and you forget he was my client. I know every bit of his weaknesses, and they all begin with his fuck up of a grandchild. I’ve seen the payout money, Matthew. Tell me, who is Sarah Lowe?”

His face pales, and he shakes his head frantically. Busted.

I never told him I knew the truth, because deep down, I knew one day I may need it for leverage. I won’t tell him how I plan to use the information, or that I even know everything. Instead, I give him just enough info to scare him into thinking straight, and it works.

“What do you know?” He asks, his voice tender.

“I know there’s a secret to uncover, and if you take my baby from me, I will fucking find it. I will burn the city to ashes, I will ruin you.”

“Andi?” Dom’s voice trails through the kitchen, and he rushes towards me. “What the hell is going on? Did you put your fucking hands on her?”

“He didn’t, it’s nothing. We’re fine.”

Dom’s voice is firm. “I didn’t ask you. Answer the fucking question, asshole. Did you put your hands on my woman?”

Matt ignores him and looks over Dom’s shoulder. “Make your choice Andrea.”

Dom’s voice stays level. “Get out.”

“I did make my choice, Matthew. It’s him. It’s always been him and you already know that.”

Matt glares at me as he walks away. He knows the lengths I will go to in order to keep Charlotte, and that I’ll never back down. I’m not sure what will happen next, but I know it won’t end well. The door closes behind him, and I let out a breath.

Dom grabs my hands, inspecting them for injuries. His eyes move down my body and he grabs me by the waist and puts me on the counter. “What happened?” He reaches into the cabinet above the fridge and pulls out my first aid kit. He listens quietly as I give him the highlight reel. I don’t tell him about how I got glass in my feet, or how Matt’s hands were wrapped around my throat.

The two fingers on my right hand are bleeding heavily, but they’re minor scrapes that he bandages easily. My feet are covered in blood and he grabs one as I wince. “You need stitches. I’m not even going to try to get this glass out, Andi. We need to go to urgent care.”

I nod. “It hurts so bad.”

“I’ll bet, sunshine.”

He scoops me off the counter, and I grab a hold of his neck. “Haley is working at the ER. Take me there?”

“What did he do to you?” He asks again as he carries me to the car.

“He threw the vase. I was just dumb enough to step in it while I was cleaning up.”

“Don’t protect him, Andi. Tell me if he hurt you.” Dom’s got me settled in the passenger seat of his car, and fixes the seatbelt for me. When I don’t respond, he grabs my face, forcing me to look at him. “I mean it. Don’t you fucking lie to me. I don’t care if he’s Charlotte’s dad.”

“I handled it,” I promise. He regards me for a moment, then he stands and closes my door.
