Page 66 of Cracked Open

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AftercarryingAndiupstairs and getting her settled in bed, I head downstairs to clean up the kitchen. At the ER, Haley had taken her back before we could even check in at the front desk. She cleaned her up and gave her six stitches on each foot, then gave her some painkillers to get through the evening.

I want to kill Matt. I’ve never actually said or felt those feelings toward someone before, but today I do. He doesn’t deserve to be in the same space as my beautiful girl. This isn’t my home, but I don’t want him here ever again. I shake off the negative feelings floating through my head. It isn’t like me to be so violent, angry, upset… it’s not like me to allow the lack of control to consume me.

I know I can’t control Matthew, and I can’t control Andi, and it makes me sick. My heart can’t take it. Andi begged me not to get the police involved as Haley cleaned her up. She said she was handling it, and that I have to trust her. Except, it isn’t her that I don’t trust. It’s her piece of shit ex-husband that’s been treating her like a doormat. I refuse to stand by and watch. I’ve sat around long enough, allowing her to do things her way, because this is her family, and I’m a guest after all. But today is the last day of it. Tomorrow, I’ll be the protector that I was always born to be. Andi has to realize she isn’t alone anymore.

By the time I’m finished cleaning up all the shattered glass, Haley strides in. “Is she asleep?”

I nod and put away the dust pan.

“Do you think Matt would hurt her?” I place my elbows on the counter, leaning forward.

Haley’s eyes darken, and she considers what I’ve asked for a moment. She shakes her head. “I think that he was hurting before this, and the fact that you’re the father of the baby she lost… well, that’s just the icing on the cake for him. He’s been competing with you for nine years. I can’t imagine the pent-up anger he has towards you. But he loves her, and he loves Charlotte, and he is a good father. He needs time, Dominic.”

I chew the inside of my lip. “The thing is, I’ve been patient with all the shit he and Lisa have been pulling. But this…” I stop and drag my hand down my face. “He can’t hurt her. He can’t walk in here and demand things, or break things. This is her home, and Lettie’s home, and I won’t stand by and let it happen.”

Haley smirks. “What are you gonna do? You’re all by the book. Even when you were supposed to be a criminal, you tried to go through the proper channels and have my date rape incident reported. So, I know you’re not gonna assault the kid.”

“For starters, I’ve ordered her a security system, and I’m installing it tomorrow. I’m changing the locks too, and he will need the key code to open the gate to the property. He won’t fucking set foot here without my approval.”

Haley snorts, “Your approval? They share a child together. You don’t get to approve any of it.”

“He doesn’t fucking come near Andi without Mac or me here. If he touches her, I’ll fucking squeeze the life out of him with my bare hands.”

My hands shake. I don’t like this feeling. I’m the protector. It’s my job, and I can’t keep Andi safe. Fuck, I can’t even protect Charlotte. It hurts me to know he’s had a domestic disturbance with Andi, and he gets to keep Lettie like none of it happened. He doesn’t deserve to have this woman and child in his life.

Haley steps forward, pressing her hand to my shoulder. She squeezes softly and gives me a forced smile. “I’m glad she has you. I’ve been a shitty friend the last decade. What with the Army, and leaving for Boston soon. I am so happy she’s found you again.”

“You’re not a shitty friend. You’ve got your own demons to fight.”

“Keep her off her feet as much as you can. I won’t pick up any shifts, so I’ll be around when you’re at work to help her.”

I smile. “Thanks. I’m gonna head up to check on her.”

Haley nods and goes to the fridge. “Hey, Colby?”

I stop my trek towards the stairs and turn to look at her. “Take care of her when I’m gone.”

I smile at her, then wink, and head up the stairs.

Andi hobbles down the steps, and I stop screwing the mount for the camera and hurry over to her. I bend down and scoop her up as she wraps her arms around my neck. “Why are you walking, baby? You should have called for me.”

“I woke up, and you weren’t there.” Her nose nuzzles into my neck. Once she’s in a good position, her body sags into mine, releasing any tension she had. “I thought you left.”

“And where would I go?”

She shrugs. “Work. Huge crisis in the city or something. What are you doing, by the way?”

She glances at the mess I’ve made on the counters in the kitchen as I set her down on a stool at the breakfast bar. I push aside a box filled with small mountable cameras, clearing her countertop space. “I’m giving you an officer-approved security system. Cameras and monitors that can be set to alert the police if you don’t turn off the codes.”

“Matt has to have access to my home, you know that, right?”

“Does he? Because you don’t have access to his, Andi.”

“I do. I just don’t go there…” She pauses for a moment. “I went once when Charlotte was sick.”

“Yet he waltzes in here, damages your property, argues with you, and makes unrealistic demands. It has to change, Andi. I’m putting my foot down.”

She raises an eyebrow, clearly upset, and opens her mouth to speak, then closes it. I go back to installing a camera in the corner of the kitchen.
