Page 71 of Cracked Open

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Trafficisfuckinghorrible when driving through Sacramento on any normal day, but when you’re in a rush to get to the hospital, it’s a nightmare. My chest is tight as I grip the steering wheel and force back the tears. Until I know what’s happening, I refuse to cry. Haley assures me it will be okay. I called her from the driveway of Jones’ penthouse, but she was still at the farm, which is an hour away. There’s no way she’ll make it to start emergency surgery on him, but she promises she will scrub in the second she gets to the hospital.

Finally, I pull into the front circle of the emergency room and jump out of the vehicle. I don’t even turn the car off, but leave the valet to deal with it. I have to get inside.

At the other side of the vestibule, there are at least twenty-five officers spread throughout the waiting room. My eyes land on the biggest man there, who is in civilian clothes. Terry Black towers over his father in the corner, and I rush towards them. His mother sits beside his father, and Terry stands over them, his eyes on me. “Andi. I’m so sorry. I just got here and was about to call you.”

I wrap him in a hug and squeeze him tight. “It’s okay, Terry. Cory let me know.”

“And you are?” Her voice is shrill, causing me to turn, and I look down at the woman. Grey hair and green eyes look up at me. Her top lip snarled as she glares at me.

I smile and hold out my hand for her to shake. “Andi Jackson. You must be Mrs. Black.”

“I didn’t know you were seeing anyone, Terry?”

“This is Dom’s girlfriend, Mom,” Terry says.

I turn as other officers enter, and I catch Cory standing against the wall with Milo and Logan. Whatever Dominic’s mother has to say, it doesn’t matter, because Cory is the one with the answers.

He wraps me in a hug, squeezing my rib cage as he pulls me into his chest.

“I’m so sorry.” He speaks low enough that only I can hear.

I’m not sure why he’s sorry, when I’m the one who picked a fight with Dominic this morning. I’m the reason his mind wasn’t on track, why he was stressed when he left for work, and why he was shot.

I force back the tears. “What happened, Cory?” My hands grip the vest he is still wearing, and that’s when I notice the blood caked on his arm. Is that Dominic’s blood?

“Don’t you say a word.” Dominic’s mom snarls as she approaches us. There is malicious intent in her eyes and she looks ready to pounce on me. But she doesn’t scare me.

“You mean nothing to Dominic. You’re just some trashy girl he used to pass the time when he was away from his family. Now, he just feels bad for you. No one will tell you a thing about my son. You’re not wanted here, and you’re not family.”

I laugh–not because what she says is funny, but because she thinks I care about her opinion of me, when she doesn't even know me. I let go of Cory’s arm and stand straight. I can barely control the smug grin as I tower over her.

“I can see why you’d think I’m not important to him. It must have hurt when he told you he was seeing me again. That we’d found each other, even after all the deception.” I’m calm, collected. This is precious time that I’m wasting arguing with this woman instead of finding a doctor and finding out if he’ll be okay. “I don’t have the energy to deal with someone who has made their mind up about me, without even getting to know me.”

I step back as a woman approaches, and it’s perfect timing as I wave her over, smiling politely. She is all business-like “I’m Aria. I work in the patient services department. I’ll be giving you updates throughout the surgery.”

Mrs. Black steps forward. “I’m Dominic’s mother. May we speak privately? Some people out here shouldn’t hear these updates.”

Aria opens her mouth to speak, but I cut in. “When Officer Black is out of surgery, can he be sent to one of the VIP suites? It’ll be under Andrea Jackson. As soon as it’s ready, please send Mr. and Mrs. Black up to wait. You can update them there privately." I turn to his mother, offering a forced smile. "Then you won't need to worry about my overhearing."

“You don’t have to do all this.” Mr. Black speaks to me finally, holding his wife’s hand. I look him up and down. Dominic is the spitting image of his father, and I take a step back, forcing any ill thoughts from my head. I have to stay strong.

"It's nothing. I recovered from my birth with my daughter up there. He will be much more comfortable after a major surgery."

I close my eyes, turning to his mother, and I cross my arms. “You can try to keep me away all you want. You can dislike me all you want, but you cannot keep me away from him. Dominic will wake up, and he will know you kept me away, and he will resent you even more than he already does. And when he learns the truth, I will still be here, waiting.”

I don’t wait for a response and turn back to Cory. “Now, tell me what happened.”

“He was hit three times. His abdomen, shoulder, and bicep. At least one bullet pierced his vest. Which means there will be fragments spread through his body, Andi.”

Haley approaches us in street clothes. “It’s going to be hard to remove them all. Dr. Carlton says that luckily none seem to have hit any major organs, but we still need to worry about arteries being damaged. I’m about to scrub in.”

She pulls me into a tight hug, and her chin grazes my ear as she speaks. “This is nothing, Andi. I’ve pulled bigger things from men’s bodies all the time in the desert. I’ve got this. It’ll be over before you know it.”

“I’m scared, Haley.” I squeeze her tighter. I know she needs to go, but she’s my best friend, and I need her to be with me, too. Without her, I’m alone in this room with a family who doesn’t want me here.

The tears I’ve been holding back fall, soaking her shoulder, and a soft sob escapes me. “He has to be okay, Haley. He has to.”

“I know.” Haley cups my face and swipes away my tears. “I’ll send someone out every twenty minutes. He will be okay. He’s strong.” Her hands rub my arms in support.
