Page 23 of Oh Fudge

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I retrieve the broken cones I’ve saved for him this week. When I return to the front, Mr. Jack’s made himself at home at a small table near the front window. A Fudgeballs chocolate box lies open with a satin ribbon wrapped neatly in a circle beside his coffee cup.

I slide into the booth across from him with a cup of coffee of my own. He bites into a piece of fudge and savors it without chewing. My curiosity is slightly piqued when his lips perk into a smile. He closes his eyes and sways his head side to side.

I adore chocolate, and Sebastian’s confections are as addictive as he is. It’s no wonder Fudgeballs attracts so much attention.

“The boy’s outdone himself. Tastes just like his grandmother used to make it.” Mr. Jack chuckles under his breath. He stretches his arm across the table and raises his hand mid-chest, as high as his arm allows. “I remember when he when was this high, standing on a stool so he could reach the counter and see inside the bowl while his grandmother stirred. He was so eager and impatient to learn.”

He leans back against the seat cushion and brings the coffee mug to his lips. My fingers worry over the thumb ring I wear on my left hand, twisting and turning it, slipping it off my thumb to circle around my index finger as I let his words percolate. He watches me with a keen eye.

“Good, huh?” I beam. A week ago, jealousy would’ve gotten the best of me, but not today. I want Sebastian to succeed as much as I want to. Maybe even more.

My mouth waters as Mr. Jack eyes another chocolate from the box. His thin, wrinkled fingers hover over each chocolate as he decides what he’ll try next. He’s a hairsbreadth away from plucking a brownie from the box when he stops and settles both hands on the table. He eyes me with a tired yet thoughtful gaze.

Mr. Jack’s a thoughtful man. He’s frail and weathered but always ready with words of wisdom. He brings the steaming cup of coffee to his lips and takes a slow, deliberate sip. I sit patiently as he returns the mug to the table and points to the brownie with a shaky finger.

“Only one thing could make this better. Smother it in your homemade ice cream.” His gaze floats over my shoulder to the ice cream counter. I turn my head, following his gaze, then snap back as he continues delivering words of wisdom with a scratchy, worn voice. “A dollop of fresh whipped cream, and mmm, mmm. That’d be something fine and tasty.”

“Funny you should mention that.”

The day I marched over to Fudgeballs I went with the intention to suggest partnering with Sebastian for a specialty dessert but lost my nerve when he suggested decorating together. I haven’t thought of it since.

“Take your time with the coffee. I need to get to work. We’ve had so many donations for the giving tree, I’m not sure where to put them all.” I slide my hand across the table and pat the top of his frail hand. “I’ll think about your idea, Mr. Jack.”

He chuckles as he fingers the lid of the cardboard box. He replaces the lid and ties the satiny ribbon around it to secure it in place.

“Just the ramblings of an old man, Miss Sophie. I’m not one for business talk.”

Mr. Jack scoots to the edge of the bench seat and struggles to get to his feet. I’m quick to his side to offer a hand, worrying over his frail frame.

“Take all the time you need, Mr. Jack. There’s no rush.”

My eyebrows pull together in a tight bunch as I worry over him. He slips the chocolate box into his pants pocket once he’s found his balance, then shuffles slowly to the front door.

“Ah, I’m good, Miss Sophie. No need to fuss over me.” I catch a glint in his eye when he turns to bid me farewell. “Everyone needs a little help getting back on their feet now and again.”

He tips his hat with a shaky hand, and in an instant, he’s gone, leaving words of wisdom and ideas swirling around me like snowflakes on a windy day.



I catch sight of Mr. Jack clutching a bag in his hand as he leaves Sophie’s shop. He stops to glance over his shoulder and sets his gaze on me. His face lights up as he raises his hand high to wave, then saunters down the street, swinging his cane by his side. The man’s fit as a fiddle, and I swear his eyes twinkle when he grins.

Sophie exits Brain Freeze, turning only to lock the door. She hurries across the street, and I greet her with an open door. She slips her chilled hands across my chest and pulls me in for a sweet, lingering kiss.

“I want to run an idea by you, but let me finish before you jump in.” She glows with happy energy.

“Fire away.”

“Mr. Jack gave me an idea for a dessert pairing with your fudge brownies,” she begins. “I think it’d be a great way to boost business for us both year round.”

She continues, excitedly laying out her ideas as she watches me closely for a reaction. Her excitement is catchy. My pulse quickens and more ideas pop into my head. I hold her tighter as she rattles off words in rapid succession. Sophie’s ideas are exactly what Fudgeballs and Brain Freeze need to grow and thrive.

Sophie’s what I need to do the same.

“What do you think?” She takes a breath and gazes up at me.

“Let’s do it.” She buries her head in my chest and squeezes me with all her might. “And I have the perfect place to test your dessert ideas.”
