Page 47 of This Woman

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I’ve always looked at Lauren and wondered what goes through her mind. Now more than ever as she prances around her parents’ home, her belly swollen, my baby growing inside of her, looking like the most content girl alive. Ignoring my despondency. Ignoring my lack of affection or effort. Ignoring the fact that she lied to me about being protected. Trapping me. Every day, I wake up and take a few moments to register that Jake isn’t here anymore. Then a few more moments to register that in a moment of weakness, of pure stupidity, I accepted a bottle of vodka from Lauren, downed the lot, marveled at the numbness it offered, and then fucked her. At that moment, with drink dulling my pain and my dick inside a welcoming pussy, I was out of my body. Away from my grief. Four months later, I’m married to a girl I do not love. Hardly even know. Definitely don’t understand. Or trust. Or feel comfortable around. But it’s all I’m good for now, and doing what is expected of me feels... right. Especially after all of my wrongs. And yet, all I feel is empty.

I hear a horn honking outside, and I’m up out of my chair in a heartbeat, my spirits lifting. I see Uncle Carmichael pull up and get out, slipping his shades on. John is with him, the big burly bloke looking as foreboding as always. Oh, thank God. They’re here to get me away from this hell for the day. I head for the kitchen door, ignoring Lauren’s calls, but when I open it, I’m faced with her father.

“You can’t see him,” he says. “You’re a husband and soon to be a father. You should be here, looking after my daughter.”

“It’s our... it’s my eighteenth birthday.” Over a year without Jake. “He always comes to see me on my birthday,” I say, passing him, half expecting to be pulled back. I’m not. At least, not by him. But Lauren grabs me.

“Oh my God, Jesse!” she practically screams, and I turn to find her clenching her belly, her eyes watering.

My stomach drops. “What? What is it?” I ask, scanning her up and down, trying to figure it out as she cries and yelps. “Are you hurt? Is it the baby?”

“Look what you’ve done now,” Alan snaps, leading Lauren to a chair and sitting her down. “Now, now, darling, what is it?”

“Pain,” she cries. “It hurts.”

I stand like a useless fool while Alan tends to her. Stand and listen to her cry and wail. Puff and clench her belly.



Lauren’s father takes his time with her, calming her. The tears subside. An ambulance arrives. The baby’s heartbeat is perfect. No bleeding. Nothing wrong with the baby, or with Lauren.

“What a fright,” she says, smiling, reaching for my hand.

Was she fucking faking?

“Get out of my house,” Alan barks, making me turn toward the doorway where he’s looking.

Carmichael’s there, and John is looming behind him, looking ominous. Of course they didn’t leave. Perhaps they wondered about Lauren too.

“I’m here to speak to my nephew,” Carmichael says, looking at me with... sympathy. It’s fucking sympathy.

“He’s busy tending to his wife and unborn child.” Alan remains unmoving.

“There’s nothing wrong with his wife and unborn child.”

Now, Alan moves forward, and as a result, John passes Carmichael and steps into the room. “We’re here to speak to Jesse,” he says, removing his shades, something that never happens unless he wants someone to see the threat in his eyes. And it’s there. Boy is it there. And so is something inside of me.


The only two people in this world whom I can depend on are here.

Rescuing me from this madness.


The concierge opensthe gates for me, and I pull into the car park of Lusso, my stomach doing cartwheels. Did she get the flowers? Did she like them? What did she think?

I park, get out, and straighten my new suit, taking in a deep breath, repeating the same mantra I have all day.Gently, gently.Talk to her, dazzle her. Show her she would be making a massive mistake if she doesn’t indulge me and explore the butterflies.


Can’t say I’ve ever had them but, God, it’s a pretty fucking incredible feeling.

I stroll into the foyer and spot the concierge desk decorated with an elaborate spray of white calla lilies, and I can’t help but laugh under my breath, shaking my head to myself. Impossible woman.

“Sir.” A man appears from behind the desk. He’s short, gray, and his eyes travel up my front until his head is dropped back, looking at me. “Can I help you?”
