Page 26 of Fernhill Lane

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“Aside from being a controlling asshat, did he hurt you?”

“He liked to hurt my feelings.” The words come slowly as I think it over. “I think he got great pleasure out of making me feel small. But physically, he was careful never to lay a hand on me in anger. Until that last day when he told me to leave, and I told him I’d contest the prenup. He didn’t like it when I stood up for myself.”

“What did he do?”

My gaze turns to his at the hardness in his voice. “He smacked me around, told me I would do as I was told, and to get the fuck out. He’d found a replacement. You know, if he’d never kicked me out, and we’d just continued the way we had for all those years—with him cheating on me, and me pretending I didn’t know—I don’t think I ever would have left voluntarily. Mostly because staying waseasy.But he did me such a huge favor that day. Kicking me out was the best thing he ever did for me.”

“I don’t know what to say to that. I’m happy for you?”

“You should be,” I reply with a smile. “Because now, I’m home, and I’m renting your adorable little guest house, and I’ve decided that we’re going to have sex.”

He coughs, obviously startled, and then laughs. “Like, right now?”

“No, but soon. I think that’s enough walking down memory lane for tonight.”

“I won’t ask you more questions about your marriage, because it’s ultimately none of my business, except for one thing.”

“Okay, what’s that?”

“Is it final? The divorce?”

“Yes. He’s firmly in the past, Tanner, exactly where he should be. And I’m moving on with my life, full speed ahead.”

“Good. Good for you, Sarah, and I mean that, whether we have sex or not. Although, I do like that idea very much.”

I grin as I step out of his car and walk toward the house. “I had fun tonight.”

“Me, too.”

I stop by the door and turn to him. “I’m not asking you in tonight.”

“I didn’t assume that you were.” He leans in and kisses my forehead, and I feel the touch move through me, all the way down to my toes.

It’s delicious.

“Sleep well, Sarah.”

He waits while I unlock the door and step inside before he turns and walks across the driveway to his own house.

And when I close and lock the door, and turn to find Petunia giving me the stink eye for being out so late, I let out a long, gusty breath.

“Holy shit, he’s potent.”

“You’resure you’re okay out here by yourself?” Luna looks doubtful as we stand in the grand foyer of the inn where I have my easel and paints set up, ready to get some work done. “It’s a big place, and evenIfeel weird when I’m out here alone.”

“I want to get the vibe of it all,” I assure my friend, excited to start painting. “I need to get started on these pieces so they’re ready for the grand opening.”

“That’s still a few months away, at least,” she says.

“Clearly, you’ve never created specific artwork for a special place.” I wink at her as I tie an apron around my waist. “Trust me, I’m great here. I’m not scared at all. Rose will protect me.”

“Okay, let me know if you need anything.” She turns to leave, but then spins back around. “Oh, I’ve been dying to ask. Did you and Tanner do…itthe other night after the pizza place?”

I laugh and shake my head. “No, we didn’t. We talked for a long time, and then he went home. But I made it clear that I plan to have sex with him.”

“Oh, well, as long as you’re both aware of your plans.” She rolls her eyes, making me laugh.

“What’s wrong with having a plan?”
