Page 25 of His To Tame

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The minutes ticked by, excruciatingly slow, as I waited to be called. Laura was texting on her phone, probably to Bennet or her younger brother, Benji.

Finally, my name was called. I stood up and Laura came with me as we started down the hall. I was staying at her house since I’d sold my apartment and Diesel’s place had some kind of water damage. I hadn’t been over there in forever. Lately, we lived with Bennet and Laura, and it was far more fun than it should be.

Inside the exam room, the doctor instructed me to strip off and put a gown on. Next, Laura sat next to me and held my hand as cold jelly was squirted on my bump.

“I’m here. I made it,” a deep voice spoke as the door opened. Diesel stepped inside, looking harried. As soon as he saw me, he relaxed. “You weren’t starting without me, were you, sweet cheeks?”

“I thought you weren’t done! Wait, you didn’t just send someone to jail so you could get out of there quickly, did you?”

He chuckled. “Don’t worry, it’s all good.”

Laura stood up and beamed at me as I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at her. “Was that who you’ve been texting?”

“Surprise! I’ll see you guys at home. Have fun,” she called, disappearing out the door.

Diesel took her seat and enveloped my hand in his, turning to look at the screen, where the doctor was finding the heartbeat for the first time. Suddenly, a loud thumping sound filled the room. Our baby’s heartbeat. The image was unclear and clouded, making the doctor frown.

“Is something wrong?” Diesel asked immediately.

The doctor shook his head and moved the Doppler further over.

“Oh my,” he said, smiling at us both. “Both heartbeats are very strong.”

“Both?” Diesel and I echoed at the same time.

The doctor smiled and settled back. “Both. Congratulations, you’re having twins.”

* * *


If I could have wrappedmy wife in bubble wrap on the way back from the hospital, I would have, but of course, Emily being Emily, she wouldn’t let me. We drove up outside Bennet and Laura’s place. It sat on a peak above town; the road quiet. It was peaceful. I got out of the car and rounded it to help Emily down. Of course, by the time I got there, she’d already gotten out.

“Wow, I really thought I’d give birth in that truck.”


“Meaning you did ten miles an hour the whole way,” she scolded me and smacked my arm.

I pulled her to me and kissed her tenderly. “Humor me. I’m going to be a wreck for the next few months.”

“Great.” Emily rolled her eyes, but I could see that little secret smile on her lips that I loved. As she went to walk up the stairs to Bennet and Laura’s house, I stopped her.

“I thought we could go for a walk,” I told her, trying my best to sound casual.

She shrugged. “If you think it’s safe for the babies,” she said and bit her lip.

Concern etched over my brow until she laughed and smacked me in the middle. “Of course we can go for a walk,” she quipped, before starting down the driveway.

I followed and took her hand in mine as we walked down the mountain road. I had a secret, and I was usually terrible at keeping them. I couldn’t believe I’d managed it for so many weeks.

First, I’d made up some work-related excuses, then a conference, and training, and finally, fucking jury duty. None of it was true. In reality, while she’d been at Bennet and Laura’s, I’d been down the road, working on my house.

Now, we turned down the road toward my place.

“You wanna check on the water damage?” she wondered.

“Sure, let’s see,” I said, hardly able to contain my excitement.
