Page 4 of His To Tame

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I headed into the cool, dark interior of the house, my blood simmering in my veins. Fuck, I had to get to college and plow this energy into sports. This frustration was leading nowhere fast. I jogged upstairs, the off-limit part of the house to the party guests, and made my way to the bathroom along the hall. I needed to dunk my head in a sink of cold water or take a shower or something. Lately, beating off in the shower was the only way to keep my temper down.

I tried the handle, and it turned easily. I shouldered inside and froze.

Emily stood at the sink, a magazine open on the counter. Her eyes were glued to me, reflected behind her, and her hands were cupping her pert breasts, only just concealed in her yellow triangle bikini.

We both stared at each other in shock for several moments, before sounds from down below drifted up the stairs and reminded me that there were other people in the house. I stepped inside the room and shut the door. I couldn’t have the guys glimpsing Emily in this state, doing whatever it was she’d been doing. I’d have to burn everyone’s eyes out.

Emily dropped her hands from her chest and a rosy blush worked up her neck. “What are you doing? Isn’t the bathroom a private place?”

“The door wasn’t locked.” My brain was suffering from a painful lack of blood to the head, as it all rushed south.

“The lock is broken,” she said. Right, I knew that, and had forgotten.

“I’ll fix it today,” I vowed, and meant it. I would not survive another run-in like this. My eyes fell to the magazine on the counter. “Besides, a pro tip. If you’re going to get yourself off, do it in your own bedroom, where no one can walk in on you.”

“I wasn’t trying to get myself off,” she fumed, turning redder.

I rolled my eyes at her. “Don’t be embarrassed, sweet cheeks. Everyone does it.”

“Gross, and you’re wrong. I wasn’t.” She tossed her hair. “If I was, I’d be doing a pretty terrible job,” she muttered, and then blushed more when she realized what she’d revealed.

“Is that right? An expert, are you? I thought it was gross?”

“It’s gross when I think of you doing it,” she snapped, recovering quickly.Ouch.

“So, what were you doing?” I asked, deciding in that instant not to let her off the hook. Moving with sudden speed, I grabbed the magazine off the counter as she snatched for it. I held it up, showing a juvenile streak I hadn’t indulged in a while, and read the article.

“Natural remedies to cure bee stings?” I glanced involuntarily down at her chest. “You got stung by a bee?”

“Oh my god, I’m going to die. Kill me,” Emily groaned, turning away and leaning on the counter.

I stared at her, perplexed. “I read somewhere that soap helps or something. Neutralize the ph—”

“It’s about small breasts, ok? Bee stings are a name for small breasts.”

Oh.Oh.There went the blood again. I put the magazine down, my eyes drifting over the article. She’d circled a few numbers, one of which was massage. “That’s crap. You don’t need to worry about this bullshit.”

“Easy for you to say. You have a bigger chest than me,” Emily said, flashing her eyes over my bare chest. I resisted the urge to flex, only just.

“Yeah, well, eat a fuck ton of protein and lift heavy if you want tits like me,” I said, and grinned to take the edge of her tension. It didn’t compute to me that Emily could think she was anything less than perfect.

“So, you never massage them? The article says it promotes blood flow and that can—”

“I do sometimes, I guess, when I have lactic acid going on.” My voice felt like it was coming from somewhere outside my body.

Emily’s eyes widened. “Really? Can you show me how you do it?”

“It won’t work for you. Your… breasts aren’t muscle,” I stumbled but quickly recovered. Christ, I might pass out from the strength of the aching hard-on tenting my swim shorts. Luckily, Emily was too embarrassed and distracted to look down.

“Show me anyway. It can’t hurt,” she said and leaned a hip against the counter. Every step was torturous as I approached. This was dangerous. Scratch that, it was fucking lethal. If Emily was off-limits to the guys downstairs, she was even further forbidden to me. Bennet would kill me. He considered us both as siblings, and knowing I wanted to fuck his sister would destroy him. Knowing I wanted even more would probably mean he never spoke to me again.

Despite being absolutely sure I was risking fucking up the best things in my life, I approached her. I couldn’t stay away. All summer I’d felt the countdown of the end of our time together, and it was keeping me up at night. How could I leave without acting on my feelings, even just once? It seemed impossible.

“So, show me,” Emily said.

“Are you sure?” My voice was just a rasp.

She rolled her eyes. “Stop being so dramatic. It’s not a big deal.”
