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No, She was too feisty for that, but he wanted things to be good with her family. He didn’t have a family and didn’t want to alienate hers.

He finally pulled around a circle, of course complete with a fountain, water sprays shooting up in patterns like it was the Bellagio. He stopped in front of a mansion, or maybe a palace. It was a creamy white, three stories with porches, pillars, thick stone beam things—he didn’t know. It was prettier than the White House and looked to be as big. Mia had grown up here? It didn’t fit his sweet, open, sassy, fun Mia.

Did he really know that? He’d spent less than forty-eight hours with her.

Oh, man. He had to stop second-guessing and find Mia. Then everything would be “aces,” as she would say.

As he looked around, though, it hit him that he could never in a million years provide this for Mia. She’d claimed he was enough, but what if someday she wished he was wealthy?

No. Not his Mia. She was successful all on her own. She didn’t need some wealthy guy. She needed Zeke. He hoped.

Zeke rubbed at the back of his neck, prayed for confidence and diplomacy and for Mia to be here. Then he shoved upon his door, stepped out, straightened his jacket, left his hat in the car, and strode up the front walk with trimmed flower beds. Winter was upon England. It was crisp tonight, but no snow. He walked confidently; he knew there were eyes on him. There were multiple cameras visible and probably guards with guns out as well. Mia would say he strutted. He smiled at that.

He reached the double front doors. They were beveled glass and probably ten feet tall. Zeke felt about four feet tall instead of six-four. He blew out a breath and didn’t let himself rub at his neck again. Then he stood straight and tall, military straight, and he kept on praying. His hands were trembling slightly so he clenched them into fists.

Why hadn’t she come running to greet him? What if her mum came and gently explained she was on a date or something?

He saw a shadow coming but realized instantly it was too big to be Mia. Would they keep her from him? They couldn’t. He’d call her phone and she’d answer or he’d fight anybody to get to her if he needed to. Well, probably not smart to pick a fight with her dad.

The man reached for the door. He prepared to tell the butler who would probably fetch a manservant who would probably convey him to some assistant to the duke who he was and who he needed. Mia.

Her dad opened the door. Any prepared speech fled, and Zeke was thrown completely off-kilter. What should he say?

“Captain Hendrickson.” The duke nodded to him, but his dark eyes, so like Mia’s but not, were chilly. He was a tall, thin man dressed in a tux, polished, pressed, obviously ready to go somewhere important.

“Duke Burton.” Zeke nodded as well. He should probably extend his hand. The duke hadn’t, but he had to be the bigger man here. So he pushed his hand out. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

The duke’s eyebrows went up. He shook Zeke’s hand, firmly and for long enough Zeke started to get uncomfortable. Thankfully he released his hand, but he didn’t invite him in. Why not? Why answer the door himself? Where was Mia? He wanted to look past the duke and search for her, but he had to maintain eye contact.

“Abigail and I appreciate all you did for our Mia,” the duke said stiffly. “Did you get the deposit in your bank account?”

That blindsided Zeke. They appreciated him, and they’d paid him, so now he was dismissed like common help? No. He was reading junk into this conversation. The duke wouldn’t have answered the door for just any security staff. Mia had sassily told her dad she loved Zeke, he was important to her, and he’d better make things work.

“Sir, I didn’t ask to be paid, and no, I haven’t seen my bank account.” How did he give this guy’s money back without ticking him off? “I’ve been on a combat mission for the past eight days.”

“Ah. Mia might have mentioned that.”

Mighthave mentioned that? As if Mia didn’t waste the time to talk about him or her dad didn’t fully listen to her.

“Is Mia here, sir?”

He looked him over and seemed to find something he didn’t like. The duke turned his nose up slightly. “She’s not, Captain. She’s at a charity banquet with her mum and Commander Lewis. I’m on my way there as well. Just heading out. Perhaps you could call at another time.”

He was being dismissed, and he didn’t like the way the duke had intoned that she and Lewis ....

“Lewis is her security?” Zeke arched an eyebrow and dared the guy to contradict him.

“No, the commander is her date.” The challenging look was thrown right back at him.

Zeke felt like he’d been hit in the gut, but he didn’t let himself blink or react. He had a brief moment where he felt like he was facing his own father. His dad was squeezing his hand and it was excruciating, but he wouldn’t cry out. He refused. He drew from the strength of all those painful experiences and heard himself say in a strong, clear voice, “I find that impossible to believe, sir, as Mia has committed herself to me.”

“Hmm.” The duke let out a condescending laugh. He drew in a breath, shook his head, and looked Zeke over as if he pitied him. “Captain. You seem like a fine chap. First of all, if you know my Mia at all, you’ll know she has never dated any man for longer than a week.”

Zeke did know that, but it was in the past. Still, his gut rolled.

“Second, you and I both realize that while you did a commendable job of protecting her, it was Commander Lewis who saved her life in that vehicle, fighting for her even after he’d been shot point blank in the head.”

Zeke couldn’t argue with that, but it didn’t mean Mia loved Lewis. He stared at her dad. Now wasn’t the time to engage in a battle of wills, but Zeke wouldn’t back down when Mia’s love was on the line. “Commander Lewis is a good soldier and loyal to your family, but Mia doesn’t love him. She loves me.” He stood straighter, feeling the rightness of that all the way through.
