Page 14 of Mistakes Made

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He doesn't care.

He's here to do a job, get paid, and go home.

I understand the concept. I know what it's like to do that very same thing day in and day out. I have no idea why I'm here. I don't belong, but the people surrounding me don't know that. My tux is just as designer as the next. My smile is just as bright as I greet people and nod at them.

This is some sort of political event and considering it is, it honestly surprises me on how easy it was to just walk up off the beach and come inside.

It took me less than a minute to track her, and half that time to sweep my eyes over her. The hemline of her dress flirts with the bottom of her knees which seems on par with her age, but the shawl wrap ages her quite a lot. If I had a grandmother, I’d expect her to wear something like that. There’s a distinct difference in the young women here than I saw earlier at the beach. The room is full of understated elegance. It feels dry and stuffy, boring even.

She's here giving everyone she meets that same fucking frustrating smile she gave to me earlier at the surf shop. It doesn't take me long to realize that it's instinct. The fake smile is what is expected.

She's different than I assumed from the first time I looked at her walking along the beach.

She isn't demure.

She's beaten down. She's fake.

It's the eyes that tell me the truth. It's the way they look soulless even as she smiles. It’s reminiscent of the smile of the man that walked away with the tray of champagne.

She doesn't want to be here anymore than he does.

She's not having a good time.

The only thing that woman is looking forward to is getting away, going to bed, and going to sleep, only to have to get up and do it all over again tomorrow.

She laughs like she wants to be here.

She smiles like she's enjoying her time, but she's not.

I don't feel at all hypocritical for making these judgments about her.

She did it to me first with the assumption that I wasn't worth a second of her time earlier today.

I would have left it alone.

I would have leftheralone, but she wasn't interested in civility. She was quick to turn her nose up and walk away.

She'll learn after tonight.

She'll realize the mistakes she made and hopefully after tonight, she'll learn to never make the same mistake again.

I'm normally the type of man that considers himself live and let live.

I don't get involved in other people's lives.

I don't stick my nose where it doesn't belong.

I don't cause unnecessary problems.

I'm easygoing.

Earlier today just hit me the wrong way.

I won't be able to settle, to calm myself, to sleep, until I do something about it.

She seems like the type of girl that needs her life shaken up a little bit, and, lucky for her, I'm just the man for the job.

I take a sip of my champagne as I walk past a woman who opens her mouth to greet me. I don't want to be noticed. I don't want to be remembered.
