Page 6 of Milking Santa

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“I didn’t know you were from here,” I say, a bit shocked, and curing it with another sip.

“Even if I stayed here all my life, though, I don’t think we’d have been in the same circles, Cookie.”

“Why not?”

“I’m fifteen years older than you,” he says, in a tone that takes that fact as a serious confession.

“And? What does that have to do with anything?”

He blushes. “I mean, I only know who you are because I heard you were the town’s milkmaid. I didn’t even drink milk anymore before I heard that. I’ve only started again because of you, girl.”

“Here I was, just thinking you were thirsty.”

He raises an eyebrow my way. “I’m thirsty, all right, but I never thought the milk you delivered was the best for quenching thirst anyway.”

I gleefully giggle. “You know, you could have just talked to me rather than subscribing to a milk delivery service.”

“I could have, yes.”

“Then why didn’t you?”

“Because I’m so much older than you, Cookie. I didn’t want you to think I was a creepy old man.”

I sip my drink and take in his words. He wants me as badly as I want him, was just held back by his own anxieties like me. I look his way, my mind flush with the fantasies that have danced through my head all through the past year of delivering milk to him.

“I’m not intimidated by your age, Baker,” I say, looking him up and down. “I’m more intimidated by um... uh...”

My stammering is met with a smile of his own. “You’re intimidated by what?”

“Your size. You’re quite big, you know.” My eyes can’t help but drift down between his legs, before realizing that might be a bit too forward. “You’re very tall is what I mean. Being a pro athlete, you shouldn’t be surprised by any of this.”

He laughs. “You keep your smart mouth going, Cookie, and I’m going to end up taking a bite out of you.”

I had come into Baker’s home a virgin, but with how quickly everything is escalating between us, it’s quite clear to me that I’m not going to be leaving as one.



She’s so beautiful.

And charming too. She’s got this quirky sense of humor that I just adore. Any doubts I had about her are quickly fading away, and they’re being replaced by the desire to make her mine.

“Taking a bite out of me? Oh, what could you mean by that, Baker?”

I take a drink of my hot toddy with a smile. “I mean that you need to be eaten, Cookie.”

“You’re picking up the pace in your allusions.” She nibbles on her lip, now looking right at me, quite the change from her previous shyness. What a difference a bit of a chat and some whiskey make.

“I’ve seen how you look at me, Cookie. How you manage to saunter up to my doorstep while carrying heavy milk bottles, and how you peek around corners at me in the grocery store. You can’t keep your eyes off me, girl, and I can’t keep my eyes off of you. I may be a bit of a recluse, but I’m not fool enough to not know when a woman is eager.”

She leans in, our gazes bringing us closer and closer by the moment. “And you’re saying you aren’t the eager one?”

“I did say I was planning on asking you out today. It’s the whole reason I was rushing out and ended up slamming a door in your face.”

She giggles. “Slamming a door in my face isn’t a winning pickup line, but I have to say, it’s definitely starting to work out for you.”

“I have you here, and we’re having that date if we want to call it that.”

“All it cost you was your milk for your Christmas cookies. Sorry I went and spilled it, being knocked unconscious ruins my grip.”

I make my move, leaning in. I run my hand gently through her hair, and she’s very receptive to me. She moans lightly as I move my hand down her spine. She’s so soft, even through her clothes, and it makes me want to get rid of that barrier between her skin and my touch. I look her over as she thrusts her chest out oh so gently, and I can’t help but fixate on her heaving bosom. It’s not the whole reason I’m so obsessed with her, but it’s a pretty big one. “I’m not worried about it, Cookie. There’s plenty more milk to be had.”

Her eyes are running up and down my body too, before slowing down and halting between my legs.

There’s a tent pitched there, and she is definitely noticing it.

This escalated so quickly, but I think we both are mature enough to understand it. The snow outside is so thick, we aren’t going anywhere. We both have a definite desire for one another, but if it was only one way, if she didn’t want me too? I’d be able to restrain myself. I’m a man, not a beast.
