Page 120 of Triple Cross

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“I feel like we’ve slain Goliath,” Liu said breathlessly. “I’m serious.”

“You didn’t think they’d go that high?” Moore asked.

“You did?”

“When four of the six were in the game, I figured we were heading right in the ballpark of where we ended up.”

“Maybe you should be the agent,” Liu said.

“Where would that leave you? Writing?” Moore said it a little snidely.

Liu stiffened and said, “Don’t forget, that proposal would not have been in the shape it was without my guiding hand, lover.”

“No doubt. And I deeply appreciate it, little girl.”

They arrived at Osteria Morini, Moore’s favorite lunch spot in the nation’s capital. The maître d’ recognized her immediately.

“Business or celebration, Ms. Moore?” he asked.

“Definitely celebration, Brian. I’d like a bottle of your finest prosecco brought to the table.”

“Magnifico,”Brian said, beaming.

He led them to their table along the wall, handed them two menus, and promised to have their prosecco brought right away.

“Good food here?” Liu asked.

“Brilliant cuisine,” Moore said, as if Liu should have known. “Thebrodetto,an Adriatic-style fish stew, is incredible.”

“Sounds a little rich for lunch. I’d have to take a nap later.”

“I was actually hoping we might find our way into bed afterward.”

Liu’s smile turned saucy. “That does sound like a delicious dessert.”

Their waiter brought over the prosecco packed in ice in a silver bucket, made a nice show of popping the cork, and poured the wine into two flutes.

“I understand a celebration is under way,” he said.

Liu gestured at Moore. “I just sold her first book.”

“Yes? This is fantastic!”

“Thank you,” Moore said, blushing a little.

“Can I make recommendations?”

Liu said, “I heard about thebrodetto. Sounds a little rich?”

“Then the branzino, seared Mediterranean sea bass.”


“That does sound good,” Moore said. “Make it two.”

The waiter made note of it, bowed slightly, and walked away;Moore raised her champagne flute and said, “To many, many more of these kinds of celebrations.”

“Hear, hear,” Liu said, clinking her glass against Moore’s. “And to many, many more books sold.”
