Page 126 of Triple Cross

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Andreyev protested. “My client’s going to be straight with you about many things. You should take life in prison off the table.”

“He does minimum twenty-five or no deal whatsoever,” Ellis said. “And this information has to be solid as concrete.”

Andreyev started to counter, but Volkov waved him off. “I start,” he said. “When you think you hear enough, you take these things off the table, yes? And fifteen years minimum, because I know many, many things about many, many people.”

The ADA folded her arms, said, “I’m listening.”

The Russian said, “One day—I have the date somewhere, but I don’t remember now, maybe six months ago?—I get text on private cell phone and e-mail in private, secure e-mail. Same message saying Duchaine and Watkins are taking over high-end prostitution in Manhattan.”

“Who sent the message?” Ellis pressed.

“He calls himself Maestro and M.”

Bree’s heart started to pound. She sat forward, riveted, and started filming the screen with her phone to show Alex later.

“Who is he?”

“I told you,” Volkov replied. “Maestro and M. That’s it. He uses burn phone and messages through Tor. You know this Tor?”

Ellis sounded irritated when she said, “An anonymous messaging system.”

“Yes, but you are government, you can look at pictures I took of every message he sends me. FBI traces him.”

Arms crossed, Salazar asked, “How do you know this Maestro is behind the killings at Paula Watkins’s house?”

“Because he tries to hire me to do the killings at Watkins’s and I refuse. You will see from pictures.”

“Why did you refuse?”

“Too risky. I mean, eleven people at one time?”

“Who did M hire for that?”

“I have no idea.”

Thompson said, “But you agreed to kill Duchaine for M?”

“After he said money was no object, that he had someone with deep, deep pockets who wanted to make sure Duchaine never corrupted anyone ever again, and then proved it, yes.”

“How much?”

“Twenty million in Bitcoin. Half up front. Half on finish.”

Sergei Andreyev said, “This is enough?”

Ellis shook her head. “Not until I know if Maestro even exists.”

“He doesn’t,” Salazar’s partner said. “It’s bull.”

“I agree,” Salazar said. “And I’m out of here.”

“No deal,” the assistant district attorney said.

“I’m telling you the truth!” Volkov cried.

“I don’t care what you call it, life in prison is what we’re seeking,” Ellis said and she left the room while the two Russians shouted at each other.

Thompson shut off the feed. Bree turned off the camera on her phone, ran into the hallway, and intercepted Ellis, Salazar, and Thompson, who shut Volkov’s door to muffle the shouting.
