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While her dad runs a scruffy pawn shop, her upbringing wasn’t that different from mine. She was sheltered in the name of religion like me, and is now just emerging from under it. She might even be ahead of me on the journey, although she hasn’t ended up with three guys like I have.

Although I think she might like it, should it happen. I’m keeping my eyes open for her.

The most credit for my transformation goes to the guys, starting with my darling Max. After resolving himself to the life of a single man, he’s learned someone can love him, and that someone is me. I love to tease him about this while I brush out his long hair and experiment with his pony tails and man buns. He always takes them back out because mine are too ‘girlish,’ as he says.

But I’m going to keep trying until I’ve got it right.

My grouchy Rowan, who is the kindest, most sensitive person I know, still wakes up from nightmares every now and then, haunted by witnessing his father’s death. His scars will never go away, but it’s my hope that with the love we have, his nightmares will cease, at least a little over time. I comfort him when he calls out in his sleep, but he often pushes me away. That’s his prickly side. I’m working on that, too.

The quiet Greyson has been in charge of building the new house for all of us, and has included me in all the decisions, especially those related to my ‘wing’ of the building. I get to choose everything I want for my room there, and it’s going to be a dream come true, thanks to all the great ideas I get from Pinterest. The best part is the closet, which has one long wall for hanging things, and the other for shelving everything else. There’s a dresser in the middle that holds undies and things like that, and my growing jewelry collection is housed in a couple pretty boxes on top.

Greyson seems to know a lot of people in the construction business, because this project is coming together pretty fast. Actually, he knows a lot of people in a lot of businesses.

I keep my questions to myself. I don’t really want to know how or why.

Last, I can’t forget the multitude of kindnesses I’ve received from my dear parking lot attendant, Sam. He was like my guardian angel for so long. He still is, actually, although I rarely park in his lot anymore since I no longer work at the club. I just attend now with the guys as a member, and we always get dropped off at the door. I miss seeing him but I always ask the guys to drive by his lot so I can check to see that he’s okay. He still seems to be dispensing free advice to anyone who will listen. And anyone who listens is better for it.

All these people have helped me become the person I am. I’d be nothing without them.

And yes, my parents actually did invite the guys and me for a dinner last week. At first I intended to decline the invite, but Greyson talked me into accepting.

My mother was pretty quiet, although I have to give her credit for putting on a great meal. My father was the more talkative one, honestly curious about the guys, and surprisingly uninterested in our ‘unique’ arrangement. I think he was just trying not to think about how unusual it is, and was really trying to get a sense of what the guys were all about and whether or not they really seemed committed to me. Of course, when Dad asked them about their work, they answered vaguely, but clearly enough to satisfy him.

Did my parents still think I was destined for the depths of hell? Probably. But they were still interested in my well-being. They hadn’t completely written me off. Which was a big step for them.

Sandy, the creepy pastor, was sent away someplace, where, I do not know. Nor do I care. When the parish found out how handsy he was with young, female churchgoers, he was driven out of town so fast he didn’t know what hit him.

As soon as I got home that night after dinner with my parents, I thanked the universe for giving me everything I never knew I wanted, and everything I needed. A career, the belief in myself, and the love of three men. They might be kinky as shit and earn their living outside the bounds of the law, but I adore everything about each of them and am so happy that something or someone blessed me with them.

I’m not clear what the future holds for me, but I’m pretty sure with the guys at my side we can accomplish anything that comes our way.

After all, I am their plaything.

Now and forever.

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