Page 39 of Butterfly Effect

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Chapter 10


WhenIunloadtheboat with the help of Rush and a few other guys, Aly stays in the truck. She waits for me as we go back and park it.

“I want to put this out there before I am forced to socialize with other women my age. I am not good at it; in fact, I will admit I am bad at most interactions. So if I hide behind you, get clingy, or am shy, you know why. And please don’t make fun of me for it, or I will jump overboard so I don’t have to face the humiliation.” Aly is holding onto my arm; she is so close and the heat of her body always amplifies mine.

“Don’t worry, I got you, I promise.” I take her hand off me, and grab her hand to lead her to the boat.

There are seven of us on Roosevelt Reservoir. I hand Alyeska a life preserver, but she glares at me and puts it behind her.

I take the boat out into open water. Cruise around the landmasses and find a perfect secluded spot to stop.

“Wow, Aly I’ve never seen you out at nighttime before. Did you clear it with your probation officer? Are you sure your ankle monitor is waterproof?” Rush saddles up across from her.

“Tell me, Rush, how cold does the water have to be to make your dick shrink so small? Lad doesn’t seem to have a problem when he is in the pool.” Aly boosted my confidence ten-fold.

I think I like her.

“Everyone knows I am a grower, not a shower.” Rush lets the insult slide off as he opens a beer.

Aly takes a beer but doesn’t open it. Her eyes flick between my friend group. Her leg is bouncing, and I go over, pull her up and sit in her seat so she can sit on my lap.

“Relax, baby.” I rub her back and she leans into me, adjusting.

“Your dress is super cute, Aly,” some girl I don’t know says, and Aly nuzzling her face into my neck. I wrap my arm around her waist. Which is strange, I expect Aly to take the compliment as a threat, but she doesn’t.

“Thank you.” Wow, I am impressed there wasn’t abitchadded to the statement.

Rush mouthswhat the fuckand my eyes are just as wide, amazed. I don’t know either, but I don’t question it.

Alyeska fits perfectly against me. Her head on my shoulder, her body on my lap. I sink myself in the feeling. As she stares at the stars reflecting in the water. While my friends talk about life, I find myself holding her, hoping I don’t have to let her go. Maybe one day she will trust me enough to take a chance.

I hear her sigh and it scratches my chest; it is so calming I lean my head back on the edge of the boat. My head turns to meet her eyes. Those eager fingers smooth her hair out of her face, and I take her in, as pretty as the spotlight of the moon.

“Why don’t you unclench your jaw and relax, Lad?” Aly’s hand covers the side of my face. Her lips are pouting right at my own.

“I didn’t know I was.” I loosen my jaw, ignoring the sensation in my body, having her so close to me.

It’s everything.

“Should we leave you two lovebirds alone?” Rush stands and rocks the boat a little. He whips off his shirt and jumps overboard; the rest of our boatmates follow after him. Leaving Aly and I alone with our thoughts.

“Good thing we didn’t go to Tempe Town Lake, you can’t swim there.” Aly fixes the wrinkles in my t-shirt.

“Yeah, that’s so strange. Tons of tourists go out on the lake, though, the water must not be too bad.” I shift my hands to better hold her body.

“You know they don’t allow swimming because of the Hohokam legends.” Aly rolls her head back against my arm.

“What are you talking about now?” I tap her nose, teasing her into smiling.

“The Hohokam people would make human sacrifices where the lake is located. So you aren’t allowed to swim there because they believe if you do, you are disrespecting the dead, and will be cursed.” Her leg stretches as she points her toe.

“Did you make that up?” I don’t remember this; maybe I was at a swim meet when they taught Arizona state history that day. “Why haven’t I heard of them before?”

“Because you snort too much chlorine.” Aly rubs her hand against her leg, soothing herself.

“Seriously, though?” Where does she come up with these stories?
