Page 43 of Butterfly Effect

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“Amazed, honestly. I figured you would have thousands of backup insults to keep on queue.” I finish up and put my stuff in the sink and wash my hands.

Aly picks up my dishes and puts them in the dishwasher.

“You don’t have to clean up after me.”

“And you didn’t have to stop and sit with me until I calmed down. Lad, I know I am hard to swallow, I know I might be the first person you volunteer to eat on a deserted island when there isn’t any food left.” Aly’s eyes are focused on my knees. She is trying, which does wonders for me.

“Wow, that is specific.” I fold my arms over my chest.

“Thank you, is what I am getting at. Thank you.” And she steps forward. I am worried she might have hidden a switchblade somewhere, but it isn’t a knife wound she places on my body. It is a hug.

My arms are stiff and then they encircle, when I make sure my life isn’t being threatened. You never know with a woman like her; it certainly keeps things interesting.

“You could stay here if you want?” Aly doesn’t let go as I say the words. I don’t know why I want to help her to this extent, but I am propelled to do something for her.

“What do you mean, like tonight?” She takes a step away to look up at my face.

“Yeah, or during the week, or just move in to one of the spare bedrooms until the school year ends to make it easier on you.” I have to check out the cabinet knobs above her head while I say this.

“Right, and what happens when your dad finds out or you get a girlfriend?” Alyeska is seeing unnecessary problems, when I only am considering the solutions.

“My dad won’t care, he has said several times my friends could move in so I have someone to share the house with. But the only person I would feel comfortable living with is Rush, but Rush likes the dorm life too much.” Wow, I need to dust off those cobwebs.

“Aladden, you can’t be serious! We’re not even friends.” Now she is upset, figures.

“Tell me, Alyeska, are you more upset because it is a great idea, or are you mad because you know you want to?” I pull her back into me for another hug. I could get used to this. I doubt she could without having a panic attack from human contact.

“You’re ridiculous.” Aly throws up her arms and heads back downstairs.

“Think about it, Aly. I have spare bedrooms, you need to live closer to campus. It’s a win.” I open the door at the bottom of the stairs; it’s a bed with nightstand and nothing more.

“I can’t pay you much in rent.” Oh my gosh, I think I’ve got her.

“Doesn’t matter, house is already paid off; my grandmother was a very savvy woman.” I shrug, not needing another thing to cause conflict between us.

“So I could pitch in for utilities?” Wow, I can’t believe she is even considering this. This is amazing.

Aly’s fingertips touch the pillows as she thinks about the idea more.

“Whatever you want, I just am shocked you are even thinking about agreeing.” I stand there and the smile on my face is never coming off.

“Separate rooms, separate bathrooms. No funny business.” Aly points at me like I was the one shimming naked for her.

“I would never dare do any funny business with you. I enjoy my balls; would rather you didn’t cut them off.” I cover them with both hands as she laughs.

“Okay, but let me know beforehand if you decide to bring home a woman to disappoint in bed.” Aly sits on the bed with a soft smile.

“I don’t really have time for hookups. With swim practice, working out, and college classes I have a full schedule. But if I do, I wouldn’t bring them back home to fulfill their wildest desires. I have standards.” I give her a wink.

“You brought me to your home.” Alyeska never forgets a thing, well, except the accident.

“Like I said, I have standards.” I shift and leave her in her new room.

“You’re a dweeb,” Aly calls after me.

“And you are adorable. Can you think of all the fun things we can do together, now that we are roommates? We can stay up late and watch movies, eat popcorn and shower together.” I grab my wallet, keys, and phone from my nightstand.

“Everything sounded good except the quality time together. The shower action, I can approve.” Aly grabs her bag and phone.
