Page 49 of Butterfly Effect

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“Up here!” I say through a full mouth.

Lad bounds up the stairs two at a time, and at the top, stops to stare at me.

“What are you doing?” But he still doesn’t say a word. “What is it? Do I have milk on my face?”

“No, Alyeska. You look goddamn beautiful and sexy as all hell. Excuse me for taking a few extra glances your way.” Lad walks with swagger as he comes over to me.

“Hey, can I tell you something?” He stands in front of me, rubbing his hands up and down my bare thighs.

“Is it about having a bite of my cereal? Because if it is, you can go jump in the deep end. You know how to swim, don’t you?” I move the bowl away from his grasp.

“I love you.” Lad’s voice is a low baritone of emotion as he finds my eyes and goes to my soul.

“What?” I am stunned.

“I love you, Alyeska. I love you.” He cups my chin in his fingers. Vulnerability pouring out of him. “Would it be okay if you’re mine?”

Wow, he has the decency to declare his love and ask me. Now there is a cocky gentleman.

“Because I want that. I want my name branded on you in metaphors that make me blush. I want the friction to build between us until I can’t take it anymore and I have to drag us into the closest classroom and prove you wrong.” The heat between his hands and my legs is hot.

“Lad.” Gulping down the declarations.

“I love you, and it isn’t an emotion that will ever fail. It’s not going to end because I swear to the gods, ancestors that live in the sky, walk among us, it’s you, and maybe we are too young to say it or think or believe we mean it. But fuck, I do; I have never meant anything more.” Lad’s eyes are darting all over my face as his hazy mind is cleared.

“Relax, baby, you’re rambling.” I put down the bowl and brush my fingers across his face.

“Alyeska, please, if you don’t love me back, then it’s okay. I’ll wait, we’ve got time. But everything we’ve been through, you mean more to me than a hookup or a roommate.” He waits for me to answer and I can only nod.

I kiss him with a smile; happiness feels weird when you aren’t used to it. It is almost unfamiliar and distant, but you understand why people enjoy it.

The first time a guy tells me he is in love with me and I had fantasizes about someone saying they were in lesbians with me. But Aladden wouldn’t get the reference toScott Pilgrimlike Bambi would, so I keep the token to myself. And let him undress me with good morning exercises as his new girlfriend.

Chapter 12


Practicehasbeenaliving hell. I’m still not back to top performance, especially not after the crazy episode when the pills ran out and I actually let the dependency leave my body.

The stuff the doctor gave me helped a little, but I was still worried about taking anything after watching the fear on Alyeska’s face when I woke up the next morning. I definitely shouldn’t have placed that type of pressure on her, I was not her responsibility. But she stayed and never left my side, I am beginning to think she might have a little saint inside of her she has kept hidden just for me.

“Lorenzo, your legs came apart at least twice. Do it again and do it again right!” Coach is yelling, and I take a few breaths as I rest on the edge of the pool. The other guys are running relays and I am on the side lane making up for being sick the past few days.

I pull my goggles back on and head back under water. Focusing all my attention on the butterfly stroke, one of the oldest strokes from first century B.C. In high school, I am sure I did a million strokes every season, but there is no number I want to admit to college and Olympic level. My arms might fall off and demand a rest.

About four percent of swimmers who try out for the US Olympic team will actually make it. There are over a thousand competitors, and I still want my chance to prove I am one of the best.

I hit the opposite wall and power through my moves to meet the other end.

The average age for Olympic swimmers is twenty-one to twenty-six. My birthday is next month, and I’ll be turning twenty-one. There have been teenagers to make the team, of course, and I was always jealous of their quick road to victory when mine hit a few road blocks.

But it has given me more dedication to keep going and push myself farther.

I touch the wall with both hands and pop up for air.

“Getting better, but since you took a few days off, it might be good for you to put in a few more practices. Enjoy your Saturday night in the pool, Lorenzo.” Coach doesn’t make it easy, but I don’t argue, because his feedback is food to me and I need it to earn medals.

“You got it, Coach.” But I am disappointed to miss out on time spent at home cuddled with Alyeska. I bet she wouldn’t mind joining me to help me practice tonight.
