Page 51 of Butterfly Effect

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“Trust me when I say, there is a high population of people in America who do not know how to swim. And while I think everyone should learn how to swim, I think you prove to be an anomaly when I say for your safety it’s best you wear a life jacket the rest of your life.” I move my hands around to keep my head above water.

“Maybe I am too old to learn how to swim.” Aly is furious she isn’t good at something.

“I don’t think age has anything to do with swimming. In fact, an eighty-year-old Japanese woman took up the sport, and at one hundred she made a world record for doing a 1,500-meter freestyle swim.” It definitely inspired me to do or be anything I wanted.

“Great, Lad, makes me feel tons better.” Her voice is gruff.

“Well, if it makes you feel better, the youngest swimmer to compete in the Olympics was ten. So, I mean I don’t take it personally she beat me to my dream before I could.” One day, I will get there, no matter the sacrifices.

“Amazing.” Aly cocks her head to the side. “And the whole shaving your body thing is, what, so you can pretend to be a fish?”

“No, silly. It’s so I can make sweet love to the water without leaving evidence behind.” I grab her and pull her into the water. Holding her body against mine and the wall. “It is supposed to expand our technique, makes our body responses to the water better.”

“I think I am getting the picture.” Aly rubs her body against mine.

“Every muscle in my body aches, usually is sore at the same time.” I inch forward, seeing the water reflect on her face. You get used to the feeling after a while, it becomes something you expect. The pain with the gain of getting better.

“You don’t seem to complain when you use all those muscles to do other activities with me.” I avoid her eyes, I know she wants to do dirty things, but I have laps to do and I am pretty sure my coach will know. The cameras are behind Aly’s back, so she won’t be exposed if I did attempt a tour downtown.

“Our university is a Pac-12 Conference, which means it is the western states competing at the NCAA Division level one.” I try and distract myself.

“What does that mean?” Aly rears back, confused.

“It’s hard to explain.” Checking over the water as it moves around us.

“It’s even harder to hear, Lad.” Aly waits for me to continue, hoping there is a connection between my sudden explanation of conference rankings and orgasms.

But there isn’t.

“Want to see how long I can hold my breath?” I take a big breath, pull my goggles down.

“All I hear is big talk and not enough action, Lad.” Aly glosses over the heat bubbling between us.

Fuck,Alyeska’s pussy is right at my face. I better get this out of the way so I can think straight. My hands trail up her legs and I would love to hear what words she is saying, but I guess her body will have to do the talking.

My fingers take the task of undoing her bikini ties on each hip. Aly’s hands are out of the water holding the edge of the pool. I let a few air bubbles escape as I concentrate. My hand cups her as the material falls away.

Blowing out a few more bubbles I swim closer and hold her hips against my face as I find her clit and suck on it so tight I don’t let a drop of water hit my tongue. This is the first time I have done something like this and it is proving rather difficult.

My cheeks sink in as I contain the air. A finger separates her intimate lips, pushing past the opening into the dark depth of intimacy.

I have never seen a more beautiful pussy, wrapped in a bow for me, my favorite gift. The longest finger goes inside and then I start pumping into her and she rocks against me.

Soon, I am going to have to come up for air, but I hold off a little longer, wanting to watch her fuck my hand in the water I love so much.

Air is demanded in my lungs and I come up for a refill, catching her lip between my teeth.

“More, fuck, give me more, Lad.” Aly drops her hands from the edge and clings to me.

Shit, this was supposed to be easy, get her off and get some laps on my log tonight. But the more I finger her, the more I want to be inside her, rewarding myself with the tight clench of her core.

“Get inside me, right now, Lad. Fuck I want to cum on your dick.” We are bobbing in the water and I rest my head on her shoulder. Spitting out the water as it touches my face.

“My condoms are in my gym bag, in the locker room.” Not to mention, I am sure I would get my ass kicked by Coach for fucking in the pool. But then again, Rush has done far worse things and still has all his limbs, so maybe it won’t be so bad.

“Too far, I have one in my purse.” Aly turns around and starts to get out of the pool.

“Aly, your bottoms are still off. There are cameras in the corner. Hang tight, I’ll get it.” I pull her back down before she shares her lower half with the security team.
