Page 58 of Butterfly Effect

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“I guess we have that in common.” I rub her hands against my stomach. “It’s your mom, isn’t it? Those bad thoughts when you get lost in your head?” I ask, because I think right now, she will give me the truth.

“Yes.” Lifting her head away from my body and finding the open landscape in front of us. “She was anorexic for most of my life. My aunt tells me their mother wasn’t kind, she would pick apart small things, and I guess my mom would fester on them. There are times when I forget food is a challenge. I will eat and then take a bite and think I need to explain myself, but then realize she isn’t here to ask why I am doing it.”

I am shocked, because of all the terrible things I thought, her confession wasn’t on the top of my list, no where near close.

“Shit, Aly, that’s fucked up.” I lift my arm and bring her closer to me. “Guess we are two lovebirds singing a sorrowful song our mothers never understood.”

“Now that is a phrase you should have used in your memoir.” Aly laughs and slaps my stomach; it’s good to say things out loud to her, and I think she is beginning to trust me more.

“I will do it for my next one. Hurry, grab a napkin and pen and write it down for me.” I tickle her as I make the joke.

“Lad, can you do me a favor?” Her voice goes low and quiet.

“Anything,” I promise.

“Fall in love with the worst parts of me. Can you do that?” It’s raw and sentimental. I bite my lips as she continues. “Promise me before you ramble off my quirks or learn new things about what attracts you to me. Promise me to glare at every flaw, my downfalls, and accept each and every one. Because everything I hated about you made me realize why they define you, how they shaped you. So I am asking you to do the same. If you could be brave enough to walk into the shadows and love those as well as the breaths we take in the light.” Those dark eyes mark me as a target and I bow down to them.

“Always, Aly, always.” I bring her hand to my lips and kiss her skin with every promise I hope to give her.

“Hey, Lad?”

“Yes, baby?”

“I know you had these big plans on adventures this weekend. But maybe you wouldn’t mind if we seclude ourselves in your bedroom? So, we could experiment all the ways we can make our own wishes can come true.” Aly’s hand goes over my bulge, and she doesn’t have to ask me twice.

I mean, is standing on the corner in Winslow, really worth all the hype?

Before we even reach the house, Alyeska shows me what type of dreams she can bring to life in the cab of the truck.

My dick knocks against her lips, wondering if anyone would open the door. Her tongue slithers out to see who is there and the wet monster sucks me into the dark hole.

“Fuck, baby, suck harder.” I move her hair out of the way to stroke her neck as she swallows me further. It is amazing how focused I am on driving, even though she is cupping my balls, vibrating my dick with a moan. Coming home has never felt so good.

I am waiting outside Aly’s last class and am ready to get dinner and hit the hay. Practice is making me rethink my life choices, my body is throbbing and not in the ways my girlfriend makes it.

“You ready, babe?” Catching her in my arms as she exits the door.

“Yeah.” Greeting me with a giggle.

“Alyeska, here are those forms you printed off.” A guy I have never seen in my entire life hands my girlfriend something. Jealous? Um, yeah, maybe a little. But maybe I should pick my battles.

“Thank you, um, this is my friend, Lad.” Aly is nervous, even though my arms are around her body as she accepts these papers from this strange man.

Friend?Not in this lifetime, missy.

“Nice to meet you, Lad.” I nod at him and he leaves.

I keep my words to myself until we get to the car.

“What was that bullshit about being your friend?” I start the truck and make sure her seatbelt is on before putting it in drive.

“It’s not bullshit, we are friends.” But clearly, she thinks this is funny.

“Is that why I woke up this morning with my cock between your lips?” I must change the description of friends.

“For fuck’s sake, Lad. What do you want me to tell people? This is Lad, I love with him, and we are manipulating each other to get what we want? And on top of that we try to get the other one naked as much as possible. Because we like to be explorers on biology and the connection between touch and orgasms.” Why the hell is she trying to be smart and cute when I am upset?

“Not to mention last night when we fucked so hard, my headboard made holes in the wall. But since we are just friends, I guess they were friendly holes, not made from thrusting. Maybe they were made by high-fives.” I pull up to the house and she gets out before I can say another stupid comment.
