Page 59 of Butterfly Effect

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“You’re being an asshole.” Aly stomps downstairs and I follow her, ready to see where the tension leads us.

“Am I, or are you being an inconsiderate sassy asshole?” I put my hands up.

“Listen, I’m sorry I hurt your feelings or whatever.” She has the gumption to make a pitiful excuse about my cherished feelings.

“You didn’t hurt my feelings, just glad to know where we stand. Wouldn’t want your buddy to think we were like official or some shit.” I shrug at the idea of another guy thinking he has a chance with this wild woman.

But when she heads to her bedroom, I about come undone.

“Um, where do you think you are going?”

“My bedroom.” As if it wasn’t obvious to me, I have eyes you know.


“Because we are fighting, and I had a good day and want to be alone. I don’t want to deal with your drama for once.” Fuck, I don’t want to laugh or smile, because she is on the brink of fury, but she looks so adorable.

“So, you are just going to walk away from me?” I barely spit out.

“Yes, Lad, people are allowed to walk away from you.” Alyeska speaks to me like a child.

“Of course they are allowed. But they rarely do.”

“Well maybe I should do it more often, so you know what it is like. Humble you a bit.” She crosses her arms and I think I should stop this, but we’ve come too far to back down now.

“Are you really going sleep in your bedroom tonight?” How rude.

“Lad, yes, I am. Respect my space.”

“Sure, yeah, I’ll give you all the space you need. The guys have been asking to hang, out actually. So I better take then up on their offer.” I stand back, ready to flee.

“Perfect. Drive safe. And don’t get into trouble.” Aly walks into her room, and I am more pissed off at myself than I would care to mention.

I shut the door between us without another word. I hear the shower turn on in her bathroom and I wait until she is done before my anger depletes and I walk away.

“Hey, it’s me. Where are we at tonight?” I have Rush on the other end, and he is jazzed for some man time. It might not be a good idea. But I won’t ever know if I don’t try. I grab my keys and head out.

The good news is I do have a lot of fun with my friends, they always cheer me up. However, they also pressure me into doing shots and I lose count after Rush sings karaoke to the plant in the corner.

I am not stupid enough or sober enough to drive home, so I call a car to pick me up and all I keep thinking is how much I miss my girlfriend. How pathetic my teammates and best friend think I am for a woman who has made fun of me for months.

Alyeska’s door is closed. I hesitate to think about knocking or joining her in her bed. But I decide to give her the space she wants, and I leave to my own room.

I wake up in the middle of the night to a heavy weight on my chest. I have to pee, but Alyeska is next to me. I relax and wrap my arm around her. My mouth is dry, and I need water. But I hold off as long as I can before wetting the bed. I kiss her head and nuzzle my head back into the pillow.

“I love you.” It comes from her mouth, and I think I must have heard something besides her usual I hate you.

“What did you say?” Brushing the hair out of her face.

She mumbles in her sleep, but then says it again with Lad attached. My stomach is clenching so bad from a full bladder. But I don’t care. Because I want us to be here in this moment together.

“I love you, Aly. I hope I always will.” This is beyond anything I could have imagined, and it feels amazing knowing it’s her.

The following morning, we are walking out of class together and she decides it is a good time to comment about me barely making it to the bathroom last night.

“I can’t believe you almost peed your pants this morning.” I put my arm around her shoulders.

“Someone was lying on top of me and I didn’t want to bother her.” I scrunch my nose at her and she does the same to me.
