Page 65 of Butterfly Effect

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But when Aly insisted, I couldn’t let her down.

By the time I wake up in the morning at six, Aly’s door is closed, and I head upstairs to find the entire house cleaned. While she is at the counter, asleep with a pen and paper.

I look around the room and backyard, noting all the garbage is gone and there are only sleeping bodies left behind. Not a spot left of a celebration or the mess we made.

My mind is a little heavy, but I don’t know how she did it or why. Especially after being a jackass to her last night.

The paper under her arm starts with the title Reasons Why I Am With Aladden Lorenzo. I slip it away from her and read it.

1. You wanted to know why I was with you, and I think our blunt questions make it easier to see past the facade. Which is why I am with you.

2. In seventh grade, a girl told me I wasn’t pretty because my hair was too dark. You stood on your desk and told the whole class she smelled like melons and that was the worst fruit.

3. Sometimes, when I have a few seconds to let my mind wander, it defaults to you. Always. In class, right before I sleep, when I’m stressed. I can feel your smile against my cheek and my heart is at ease.

4. Because I fucking want to be with you, asshole. Don’t make me second guess this shit.

5. I’m with you because if I could pick anyone, I would want someone who chooses me in the same way I choose them. It isn’t destiny, it’s deliberate.

P.S. I love you, Lad. I think I always have; I hope I always will.

A new flood of feelings covers my body, and I don’t know how to respond; if anything it makes me love her a thousand times more than I already do.

I bend down and kiss her head, pick her up, and carry her back to bed.

“What time is it?” Aly lifts her head a bit as I lay her down.

“It’s almost six. I am headed to practice. I’ll be back by nine to pick you up for class.” I brush away the hair from her face and lean over to kiss her again. “I love you.”

“Okay, whatever.” She rolls over to go back to sleep.

“I love you.” I stand there and say it again.

Aly pretends to snore.

“I’m lucky to have you.” More than lucky at this point.

“No shit, now let me sleep.” Aly does her best to sound mad as she snuggles into her pillow.

I grab the guys and we all load into my truck, seven of us packed in there, definitely hungover as we arrive at practice and Coach takes one look at us and we are toast.

“I hope you like the smell of vomit.” He brings his fingers up to his mouth and whistles. I am pretty sure there are grenades going off in a few of the guys’ heads right now. “Have a good time on your birthday Lad?”

“I did, thank you, sir.” Nodding but knowing he didn’t want a reply, he wants push-ups until I my arms feel like Jell-O.

“Hope it was worth it,” he bites out as Rush and I get our chests to the ground and push back up. I smile over to Rush, and he looks a little less green than me.

Despite being hungover and feeling terrible, my times aren’t that bad; in fact, one round I hit a new record. But it might have been a fluke. The smile on my face is not going away anytime soon.

After practice, I bring the guys back to my house, ordering a large assortment of breakfast goodies to share.

Alyeska is in the living room waiting when we return.

“Whoa, did you order food for the entire Olympic team or is this just for you, Aladden?” Aly closes her books and I bring her into my arms.

“I am going to go shower. You guys can use the shower up here or take a turn after me.” I give her a quick kiss and then hurry to clean up.

Rush and Aly are talking after my cleansing ritual and everyone stops to stare at me when I can’t stop looking at my woman.
