Page 75 of Claimed Harder

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“I mean, that girl Amy is cute, though her clothes could use an upgrade.”

“Her clothes are like haute couture compared to what her friend was wearing!” Yu-Jin pipes in. “I saw her wearing a t-shirt and flip-flops that look like they came from Kmart or something.”

“What’s Kmart?”

“So Darren can’t be, like, serious about this girl, right?”

“You keep working it, girl. You could have him dumping her in days, I bet.”

“I just hope he’s not in some kind of banana phase.”

“Darren’s not like that,” Andrea says. “I think most of the time he’s with an Asian woman. And Bridget’s not even white, I think. At least not full white.”

Returning from the bathroom, Amy walks up to me at that point. “Hey, what’s the matter?”

The other side of the lockers grows quiet.

“I was just thinking about what a beautiful place this is,” I answer, “and how lucky JD is to have you because you’re not one of those shallow bougie girls with tits for brains. And if JD can’t see that, he’s not worth it.”

Amy smiles. “Ahh, thanks, Bridge. Are you guys going to the rehearsal dinner tonight?”

“I don’t think so. I told Linda I’d work on a grant application.”

“You’re so dedicated. They should give you a pay raise.”

After I meet up with Darren to head back to our villa, I bring up the grant application I want to work on.

“But I don’t want you to miss out on the rehearsal dinner because of me,” I add.

“Something the matter?” Darren asks.

“Well, everyone here knows everyone else. It might be nice for the rehearsal dinner to be more intimate without a stranger like me.”

“There’ll be over forty people at the rehearsal dinner. How intimate can it get?”

“I also told Coretta I’d give her a call. I only texted her yesterday.”

Darren didn’t push it.

Once we were back in our villa, Darren gets ready for the rehearsal dinner. While he takes a shower, I decide to soak in the bathtub, which is right next to the window with the view of the beach.

“Does JD have a lot of ex-girlfriends?” I ask as nonchalantly as I can.

“What do you consider ‘a lot?’”

Unable to settle on a good metric, I ask instead, “Does he kind of move from one girl to the next?”

“Why are you asking?”

“He’s dating my friend. I’m curious to know more about him. So, does he?”


“Has he ever had a long-term relationship?”

Darren sighs. “Maybe he hasn’t met the right person.”

“Does he want to meet the right person?”
