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But where is she?

“Holls,” he said, tapping his sister on the arm. “Have you seen Robin? Wait, before you answer that, I have another question.”

Holly’s furrowed brow turned into a laugh. “Okay, weirdo. What’s up?”

“Do you still have Mom’s ring?”

Jack barely had time to wonder what Holly would think of this spur of the moment question before she lunged at him and threw her arms around his neck. “I’m so excited!”

“I can’t breathe,” he managed to choke out.

“Sorry.” She pulled back, sniffing back her pregnancy-hormone-induced tears. “Yes, I still have it. I told you I’d keep it safe for you until you found theone.”

He wanted to comment on the fact that he’d been perfectly capable of keeping it safe on his own since he wasn’t a five-year-old, but it was pointless. His controlling, pain-in-the-butt, incredibly thoughtful sister already knew that, and it hadn’t stopped her from hanging onto the ring.

“You’re my hero,” he deadpanned. “Can I get it back tonight? I need it for later.”

“You’re gonna proposetonight?” Holly squealed, clapping her hands.

Jack hushed her and glared ferociously. “Be quiet, or she’s gonna hear about it from someone other than me.”

“True, since I heard from Miss Patty you told her you loved her during the Cupid Shuffle.”

“Exactly. Now, can I pick it up from the inn on our way home?”

“Sure thing. It’s in my safe. You remember the code?”

He blinked at her with his head tilted to one side.

“Right, who am I talking to? Anyway, why did you ask me if I knew where she was earlier? I thought she was with you.”

“With me?”

Holly frowned. “Yeah, she was supposed to be helping me bring out the presents for Santa, but I turned around and she was gone.”

Jack straightened as he worked to keep his pulse under control. No sense in overreacting. Robin knew plenty of people in this hall, considering the whole dang town seemed to be in attendance. She could have gotten caught up with Joan or Miss Patty or one of the other chatty older women who he suddenly realized had become stand-in mother figures in the absence of her own mom.

No wonder she was so close with the older residents of Snow Hill.

He shook his head to clear the tangent, focusing on Holly again. “How long ago was that?”

“Right after we left you guys.” Holly’s eyes narrowed. “You’re saying you don’t know where she is?”

“Why would I? You asked me to take Abby to see theNutcracker.”

“I know, but… well, when I couldn’t find her, I thought the two of you snuck away to spend some time alone together. A romantic walk or something.”

Jack scanned his sister’s face, and the sheepishness he found there was the only thing keeping him from losing it on her. If he’d thought to do that, he would have, so she wasn’t exactly off base. A moonlit stroll with Robin would’ve been an excellent idea. If it weren’t freezing outside, anyway.

He shook his head, then squeezed his eyes shut as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He’d seen Holden on the dance floor with Francine from the café while he was searching for Robin, so clearly, he hadn’t done anything to her. And if his brother had come here and taken her, how likely was it that Holden would be partying like it was 1999 instead of right there with him?

“What’s wrong, Jack?” Holly asked, jumping when her hand on his arm made him flinch. “You’re scaring me.”

He gave her a hard look. “I can’t tell if I’m overreacting.” His eyes searched the large room again, but when he came up empty, he sighed and faced her again. “Help me look for Robin, okay?”

She nodded, but he could tell by her expression that it was a miscalculation on his part not to tell Holly and Nick about the events surrounding Matthew’s case. He’d wanted to keep them out of it purely because he knew how important it was for as few people as possible to know about his investigation, but if they’d known…

If they’d been tracking on the details of what he was concerned about, maybe Holly would have alerted him sooner when she couldn’t find Robin. And if something happened to her because he’d thought it best to hold all this stuff so close to the vest, he’d never forgive himself.
