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Talib laughed outright. “No need to be embarrassed. They can be quite docile, but best not to take any chances.”

“Well, thank you for keeping me from embarrassing myself.” PJ pulled her gear bag from the vehicle only to have it lifted from her hands by Talib reaching for it. “I can carry it,” she said.

“No, you cannot. Remember the role you are playing. The pampered wife of a successful Jawharan trader would not be allowed to tire herself in such a way. Now.” Talib gestured towards the camel before handing her bag to a waiting man who secured her belongings to the camel’s back. “Let us be on our way.”

PJ approached the camel cautiously, giving the head a wide berth, before coming to a stop and looking up at the camel’s back. With her smaller stature and being hindered by the long robe she currently wore, he knew she had no idea how she was supposed to mount the large animal.

Talib placed a hand on her lower back and he dipped his head, speaking quietly to her. “Wait. They will bring you a small step ladder. The rail of the saddle cage swings up.”

He felt her lift her head slightly, looking for the opening in the cage, pleased when he felt her slight nod. “Lift the bar and sit down in a sidesaddle fashion on the cushioned seat in front. I will be right behind you and will close the cage bar once I am seated.”

PJ nodded, murmuring back, “Sidesaddle?”

“Were you thinking to hike your skirts up and sit astride the animal? I assure you, no proper Jawharan woman would ever think of doing such a thing. They would rather walk than embarrass their husbands in such a fashion.”

“You’re starting to take this little ruse too far, don’t you think?” PJ softly asked as the step stool was produced and she began her ascent.

“Not at all. Appearances are everything in an operation such as this. People will see what we want them to see, and right now, I want all of these nomads to see a successful trader and his precious wife getting ready to head into the desert on a short journey.”

“Really? Don’t they find it odd that two people, supposedly well-off, are heading off into the desert on their own?”

“No. They believe we are celebrating the anniversary of our binding ceremony by recreating the way our relationship began. With me carrying you off into the desert and having my wicked way with you.” Talib finished this statement by climbing astride the camel’s back and closing the gate with one hand. With the other, he anchored her against his chest, pressing her hip and buttocks between his thighs and holding her there.

When she started to struggle, he whispered, “Hush! Be still and do not fight me, or the image we are trying to create will be ruined.”

He could feel her fuming, and if pressed, Talib would be lying if he didn’t admit that he was enjoying having her soft body pressed against him. He chuckled when she straightened her spine. Nodding at the man currently holding the camel in place, he laughed outright at the shriek of fright that came forth as the camel started to rise. “Easy,habiba. The camel will think you do not like him and take off running.”

PJ gave a little growl, and Talib could feel the tension rolling off her as the camel finished rising to its full height. The man handed the reins to Talib and wished them a safe journey before sauntering off.

Talib dismissed the driver and other escort and started the camel walking away from the camp, heading in the direction of the Sumari-Jawhara border and their target. He could feel PJ taking slow, deep breaths, and quietly allowed her time to get used to this new experience—the gait of the camel, the way they sat so close together. He smiled—he could definitely get used to this.

They had several hours aboard the camel before they had even a slight hope of reaching their target. With the soft curves of PJ in front of him, her lovely scent filling his nostrils, and nothing else to occupy his mind or his hands, the next few hours held the promise of becoming very interesting.



Khalil helped Shira from the plane, pleased to see that the palace guard was already in attendance and waiting to deliver them to the palace. Shira had spent the entire flight worrying about her cousin, fretting over the health of both her and the baby, and cursing the men who had taken her.

“Come, your aunt and uncle are already at the palace awaiting our arrival.”

Shira hurried to the waiting vehicle, leaning into Kale’s embrace once they slid into the car and onto its plush leather seat. He bent down, seeking her mouth with his, and taking both their minds off the worries at hand, at least for the moment. Kissing Shira never ceased to amaze him.

When the vehicle stopped several minutes later, it was with great difficulty that they surfaced from the sensual haze Kale had created in the vehicle. Sighing, Shira placed a hand on his cheek and leaned up to give him one more peck.

Returning her kiss, Khalil promised, “We will finish this later. For now, come introduce me to your aunt and uncle, and then we will get an update on the search for Erin.”

“Yes, much as I want to lose myself in you, Erin must come first. I’m so glad my aunt and uncle are here.”

She let him help her from the vehicle. As they entered the palace, her aunt and uncle stepped from a small sitting room, and Shira rushed into their arms, tears of joy and worry streaming down her face.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” she cried as Patty stroked her hair.

“So are we. This wasn’t at all what we expected when we received Kamal’s message on the ship, but at least we get to see you.” Tom brushed a hand over Shira’s shoulder with barely a glance at Kale.

“Introduce us to your young man,” Patty said, pushing Shira away from her and handing her a tissue before taking one herself to dab at her eyes.

Shira gave her aunt and uncle a small smile and wiped her tears—Kale was certain they were caused by a combination of happiness at the reunion and worry for Erin and her baby—before turning and holding a hand out for Khalil to join her.
