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His grin made butterflies swirl in my belly, and the brush of his fingers against mine added to the sensation. I shivered a little, and Lincoln must have mistaken it for me being cold. Glancing over his shoulder toward the fireplace, he asked, “Do you want me to put a few logs on?”

I’d planned to start a fire this evening but had never actually gotten around to doing it. “That would be great.”

He took a sip of his drink first, letting out a little moan of pleasure at the taste that made my panties damp. “Mmm, this is really good.”

“Which is why I drink it so often.” I cupped my mug in my palms and blew across the top to cool the steaming liquid inside. “Ever since I got a milk frother for Christmas last year, it’s just too easy to make hot chocolate whenever I want it.”

“I certainly won’t complain if you want to have some more in the morning.” He set his mug down and strode over to the pile of logs I’d brought in this morning. When he bent over to set them in the fireplace, his jeans molded to his very fine butt. Biting my bottom lip, I gawked while he got the fire going and hastily looked down when he finished and turned back around.

“You don’t have to stay up with me.” He retrieved his mug and took another sip. “I’ve had a hell of a day and will probably fall asleep the minute my head hits a pillow.”

“Oh, right. Crap. Sorry.” I set my cup down and padded over to the coat closet near the front door. “The guest bedroom is set up as my office and has a futon, but the couch is much more comfortable. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve spent the night on it after falling asleep during the middle of a movie.”

“Here, let me take those.” When I turned around with my arms full of a pillow and blankets, Lincoln was right behind me. “I’m sure the couch will be fine. As I said, I’m beyond exhausted. Even if it’s hard as a board, I still won’t be up for long.”

“It might not look it, but this thing is the exact opposite of firm.” I walked over to the couch, cuddled up in the corner, and patted the cushion at my side. “More like super soft and plush.”

Lincoln carried the blankets and pillow over and dropped down next to me. “Damn, you’re right. This couch is way more comfortable than I expected, and that’s saying a lot since it looked pretty damn cozy.”

“Right?” I grinned at him and picked up my hot chocolate. Lincoln did the same, and we sat side by side, sipping our drinks and staring at the fire. The silence should’ve been awkward since we didn’t know each other, but something about being with him in the quiet of the night in the middle of a blizzard with a roaring fire was oddly comforting. So comforting, in fact, that I didn’t want to go back up to my bedroom after I finished my hot chocolate. Lincoln didn’t seem to mind my presence since he unfolded one of the blankets and spread the soft material over my lap before doing the same for himself with the other. Before I realized what was happening, I fell sound asleep. And by the time the sun rose in the sky, I had worked my way into Lincoln’s arms.



Icouldn’t remember the last time I’d had such a great night’s sleep. An odd fact considering I was half reclined on a couch that was just a bit too short for me, although incredibly comfortable. But I had a feeling my restful slumber had more to do with the beautiful woman in my arms.

A tiny snore slipped out from between her parted lips—ones I had been dying to taste since the moment I saw her last night. Bethenny was unbelievably gorgeous. Tall with endless legs, curved hips, a slim waist, and full, round, mouthwatering tits.

Her brown eyes reminded me of the hot chocolate she seemed addicted to, and they were rimmed with thick black lashes that currently rested on high cheekbones. Her long, curly, chestnut hair spilled down her back, and I realized I had one of my hands tangled in it, holding her in place.

I told myself to let go, but something in me resisted the idea. Forcefully. So, I did the opposite, snuggling her even closer into me and breathing in her delicious scent. Waking up like this every day for the rest of my life sounded like a great fucking idea.

My eyes popped open, and I stared at the intricate crown molding on the ceiling. Had I really just thought that? I had only known her for a handful of hours, most of which we’d spent asleep.

But I couldn’t deny the way my body had come to life with one look at her—something that hadn’t happened in a long, long time…and never like this.

Then she’d spoken, and despite her attempt to be poised and serious, I’d seen a silly side peeking out. Especially when she admitted to being so obsessed with hot chocolate, not something you often found in an adult.

Our kids would love sharing pots of hot chocolate with her on cold winter nights—holy fucking shit, Granger! Have you lost your damn mind?

I must have...except the crazy thoughts didn’t scare me or make me want to run away at the first chance. No. Not even close.

It made me want to bury my big cock inside her hot pussy and fill her with so much come we’d be spending next Christmas with a little Bethenny in our arms. However, waking up a woman I just met with my mouth on or my dick in her pussy—though I desperately wanted to—would probably end with me in prison, likely missing one or both testicles.

Bethenny sighed softly and moved in her sleep, draping her body even more over mine and resting her knee right over my rock-hard cock while the heat of her pussy pressed against my thigh. I held in a groan but wasn’t able to curb the tightening of my hand in her hair.

She shocked the shit out of me when she moaned and started rocking her hips across my leg, using me to get herself off in her sleep.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Just stay still. Let her finish. Don’t touch. Then she moaned again. “Lincoln.”

Yeah, there was no holding me back anymore. I grabbed her hips with both hands and shifted her to lay directly on top of me with my cock nestled in the apex of her thighs. Then I palmed her ass and groaned because her pajama pants were so thin, I could tell she didn’t have underwear on.

I had just enough control not to slip my fingers into her pussy. Instead, I used my hands on the firm globes to rock her against the extra-large bulge in my jeans.

Bethenny’s head lifted, and her eyes fluttered for a second, then the sleepy haze seemed to dissipate, and she froze as she realized what was happening. But the raw need in her brown pools kept me from stopping. With one hand still jerking her against my cock, I tangled the other in her chestnut locks again and brought her head down so I could capture her perfect, plump lips with mine.

When I ran my tongue along the seam of her mouth, she melted into me and opened immediately. I groaned at the taste of chocolate and some other sweetness that I was positive was hers alone.
