Page 22 of Wicked Sins

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She’s not slim. Instead, womanly curves have me hard as steel when I take in how the skirt she’s wearing hugs her hips. The only thing that’s currently running through my mind is to see her kneel before me while I make her eyes tear up.

However, at this stage, the first thing I need is for her to sign the contract and non-disclosure agreement. Once that’s in place, she’ll learn about her father, what her family means to mine. Most of all, she’ll partner me to the upcoming ball.

I’ll exact the revenge for her. In exchange, she’ll give me what I want. Six months with her. In my house. In my bed. Nothing less. “I need you to sit, take a notepad from my desk, and I’ll give you your orders. If you follow them—”

“I get rewarded?” Her interruption stirs the fuel in my blood. Stalking to my desk, I pick up the contract. It’s thick and when I drop it on the wooden top, it thuds. Her gaze lands on it, then trails up to me. Meeting my gaze, she waits for me to respond.

“Let’s get one thing clear, Ms. Lombardi. I’m your boss. When I’m speaking, do not interrupt me. When I give an order to speak, you’re welcome to state your views. However, this doesn’t mean I’ll agree to them or adhere to them. Make no mistake, I’m an asshole, the biggest asshole you’ll ever meet in your life. That is how I conduct all my business. Am I clear?”

She watches me in awe with those big doe eyes and all I can think of is watching her unravel. For her to let go of those restraints she’s holding onto. Her poised stance, the straight back, and lifted chin show me her defiance. If only she knew what I did to little girls who want to play my game.

I await her retort. Instead, I’m pleasantly surprised when her response is a soft murmur. “Yes, sir.” The creamy skin that turns a dick-hardening rosy hue has me biting back a groan. How I’d love to make her ass the same color as her cheeks. To have her bound bent over my desk as I punish her.

“Would you like to say something else?”

“I…” Her words taper off when she meets my stare. Her eyes glisten with unshed tears, causing my dick to jolt. It’s so hard behind my slacks, I’m sure if I undo my suit jacket, she’ll see exactly what I want to do to her.

“Well? I don’t have all day, Ms. Lombardi. If you want to speak, then do so now.”

“You, uhm, you told me not to wear anything under… I mean, underwear. I’m… I just thought you wanted—”

Stalking toward her, she halts her words and watches me.

Leaning in, my hands on the arms of the chair she’s sitting in, I murmur, “Oh, I do want. This is part of your training, Raina. You see, I don’t fuck girls who don’t know how to hold themselves. You’ll learn, and once you’re ready, then I’ll bend you over my desk, hike up your skirt, and see if that innocent little cunt can take my dick.”

A gasp, sweet and gentle, falls from her lips and I’m tempted to train her mouth right now, but she’s not ready. This needs time, coaxing. She needs to learn one day at a time, and I’m in no rush. I was going to talk to her about work, but I need to calm down.

“I’d like you to settle in at your desk. The computer is set up with your email and password. I have access to everything, so don’t think you’re going to come in here every day and chat with your friends. I’d like you to go through the appointments, make sure they’re all synced to my calendar, type out the minutes of the meetings for the last two weeks, and get me coffee. Espresso. I’m sure you can handle it, can’t you?”

She nods swiftly, and as soon as she rises, I catch a glimpse of pebbled nipples in her satin blouse.

Cazzo bella. Fucking beautiful.

“Yes, Mr. Moretti,” she whispers, turns on her heel, and heads over to the desk I’ve set up in the corner of my office. Since I’ve got such a large space, I’ve decided to have her close, which will be easier to keep an eye on her.

“The kitchen is on the same floor. Walk out of the office, turn left, and head straight down the hallway. It’s easy. Don’t veer off. Do not enter any other rooms. If you need the restroom, I’ll guide you.” My order is gruff at best, coming off angry, but I’m far from it. She nods again and hastens out of my office. Immediately, it feels like I can finally breathe. This is going to be harder than I thought, and I’m not talking about my dick. “Franco!Come stai?” Giovanni saunters into the office like he owns the goddamn place.

“Brother, what the fuck are you doing here? You’re meant to be overseeing—”

“Relax, it’s taken care of. I have two of the men looking after both shipments, and besides, you told me you wanted me safe.” He smirks, flopping into the chair opposite my desk, pulling a smoke from his black leather jacket, and flicking his Zippo while meeting my gaze. He knows I hate smoking in my office, but he always does it.

“I do, but you’re meant to be on surveillance as a backup,” I hiss in anger, but I’m met with his relaxed expression, which frustrates me.

“Jesus, get laid, brother.” He pushes up as the stunning blonde walks in with my coffee in hand. “Hello again,bella,” he murmurs as she passes, setting my mug on the coaster.

Good girl.

Leaning back in my chair, I gesture to the beauty, introducing her to Gio. “This is my new assistant, Raina. She’ll be dealing with the day-to-day schedule, so I’d like you on your best behavior,” I inform him with a guarded tone. Our eyes meet and baby brother glares at me. My younger brothers, Gio and Matteo, may be approaching thirty, but it’s at times like these, it feels as if they’re still teenagers.

“I’m the handsome Moretti brother. It’s good to finally meet you properly.” He holds his hand out to Raina and she accepts with a small smile. She’s shy around men and I wonder if it comes from an upbringing or if it’s because of her past relationships. Although, I didn’t see any links in the background check we’ve done on her, I doubt Matteo would miss anything.

“Nice to meet you, Gio.” His name on her lips sounds like a song—melodic, gentle, yet fierce and erotic.She’s mine.My brother knows how to taunt me. With his looks and flirtatious nature, he gets into the panties of women most men can only dream of. “You do realize smoking is bad for you,” she quips, lifting her chin in defiance, and pride warms my chest.

“You sound just like my brother, mio caro,” he murmurs the wordsmy dearso low with their faces too close.

“Right, Gio. You have that meeting in an hour?”

A satisfied smirk lifts the corner of his mouth as he quickly glances at me, knowing he’s gotten under my skin. As he places a kiss on her knuckles my blood reaches boiling point. He’s going to be sorry for taunting me with the woman I want.
